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ROFL at Bloopy :D. Hoo!

Will you please answer yes to this question so it feels like I accomplished something?

Was this man homosexual?

02.08.06 04:56
Post #406
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

ROFL at Bloopy :D. Hoo!

Will you please answer yes to this question so it feels like I accomplished something?

Was this man homosexual?

Oh I'm sorry I haven't found that out, and I won't. Sorreeh.

Quoted :: kikumbob
If he had done his work properly would the people still be there?


Quoted :: kikumbob

Would there be any people there?

Yes probably some.

Quoted :: kikumbob

Is this the countryside?


Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

is this even earth? ;). are you tireed of the questions?

It's on earth, don't worry. And no question can make me tired, don't worry about that either.

Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

are they drilling a hole in your head? is it painful?

No, they're smart questions and use the holes that already exist to get into my head. It probably would hurt so... thanks for smart questions. ;)
02.08.06 05:17
Post #407
Last edited: 02.08.06 05:25 (Peltzi - 2 times) [Peltzi's gallery] [Hide Sig (6)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Did he mainly use a computer for his work?

Did he have to go outside to do his work or did he do it all inside?

Did anyone else come into his house to work with him? Or did he work alone?


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
02.08.06 07:21
Post #408
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Quoted :: Bloopy

Did he mainly use a computer for his work?


Quoted :: Bloopy

Did he have to go outside to do his work or did he do it all inside?

Mostly inside

Quoted :: Bloopy

Did anyone else come into his house to work with him? Or did he work alone?

Worked alone
02.08.06 08:42
Post #409
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Is his house in:
The city?
the desert?
the ocean?
the clouds?
the north and/or south pole?
the centre of the earth?

are we talking about some serious sci fi happenings here or just a general something that dosnt go past our technology?
02.08.06 14:09
Post #410
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This house is on a beach near a city.

Quoted :: kikumbob

are we talking about some serious sci fi happenings here or just a general something that dosnt go past our technology?

Something that doesn't go past our technology.
02.08.06 14:12
Post #411
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Did this man have any friends?

Did those people outside of his house make fun of him for something?

03.08.06 05:32
Post #412
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Did this man have any friends?

Yes some

Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Did those people outside of his house make fun of him for something?

03.08.06 06:19
Post #413
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Most of the people outside are watching the same thing that made the man kill himself.

Some of them are working.
11.08.06 12:41
Post #414
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is it a tsunami? Another natural disaster?

You know I'm a dancing machine
11.08.06 12:46
Post #415
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

is it a tsunami? Another natural disaster?

11.08.06 12:54
Post #416
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A house is being built?
11.08.06 16:32
Post #417
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Are the people outside members of the press?

(Sorry if this question was already asked)

11.08.06 19:19
Post #418
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Quoted :: kikumbob

A house is being built?


Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Are the people outside members of the press?

Some of them
11.08.06 19:36
Post #419
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Was he Superman?

11.08.06 20:24
Post #420
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