View A Sig
From this page you can see all the sigs that have been made on BTP. If you are logged in, then yours will be
displayed at the top. Below that is a list of the users and the sigs they have... To view a sig, click on it.
00Pixel00 Test 1
Aimee Arial sig
aj6666 Loli
Aku 3D Worms
algorithmshark ava 3-line-quotes
Apocalypse test
Archamond archsig
arzka öklö
AsPiN aspin
AsSkIcKaZ MarkuZ Marku5
Atomic52 Atomics Avatars. Animated Guys sigs Atomic Sigs Siggness!
auron worm Auron worm suck on this
Azamodan a
belle3100 Old woman vs Worms
BenServ sig sig2
bitle flamesig
Bloopy bloopy01 mini photos of me song quotes Avatar sig pics Reasons to BTHuman
bob http://blamethepixel donkeys
C1 Contra_boom Contra VS. Pixels Rope_Cookie test PixelBoy Random Sigs Banner Script
Claire Burmot Mae's Day Claire's text 1
Claire_Burmot red button
CousCous22 M22 CousCous22Sig HopeThisWorksSig RS42plzwork EBRS42MODIFIED4WWP RSM2242 coolness CousCousRS42M22 CousCous22 LOTR ring of fire LordOfTheRings @2
CrysCrys randbanner gangsta
</a><br><a href='viewsig.php?id=0663'>Background</a><br><a href='viewsig.php?id=0664'>Background Post</a><br></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p><p><b>Mogden</b><br><a href='viewsig.php?id=0662'>Mogden</a><br></p></p></p><p><b>moltensnow</b><br><a href='viewsig.php?id=0680'>moltensnow</a><br><a href='viewsig.php?id=0682'>avatar</a><br><a href='viewsig.php?id=0683'>AWESOME</a><br><a href='viewsig.php?id=0688'>MolSno</a><br><a href='viewsig.php?id=0689'>gfsdfjopighaoi</a><br><a href='viewsig.php?id=0757'>#Equestria</a><br></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p><p><b>morgothermis</b><br><a href='viewsig.php?id=0623'><img src=)
Mr. Chupidi test
MSA Avatar A Pokemon 1 - 40 Pokemon 1 - 79 Pokemon 1 - 118 Pokemon 121 - 151 Kanto Pokemon Pokemon 152 - 191 Pokemon 192 - 231 Pokemon 232 - 251 Johto Pokemon Pokemon 252 - 291 Pokemon 292 - 331 Pokemon 332 - 371 Pokemon 372 - 386 Hoenn Pokemon Pokemon 387 - 426 Pokemon 427 - 466 Pokemon 467 - 493 Sinnoh Pokemon Pokemon 494 - 532 Pokemon 533 - 570 Pokemon 571 - 602 Pokemon 603 - 642 Pokemon 643 - 649 Kanto Alt. Forms Johto Alt. Forms Hoenn Alt. Forms Sinnoh Alt. Forms All Pokemon ABC
Muzer muzer.php
Nameless_Soldier Mario
networm Test12 BW
Nick ////
Okplease layoutanon1 fireavatar
Oliase Skull
Onex OnexSig
OPTiSSiMUS wrongXnumber avatars eye spy
osiris flombay
Overlord9K Overlord9Ks Sig Overlord9kSig
Pac-Man My Worms Comic 1
paint_ball15 Paintball
Parade Giraffes
Peltzi JP logo Peltzi's sig
phunlover New
Pilki-AKA-Gollum Pilki Pilki avy
Pioneer322 testes Profile Background 2 Av sig xCx forum sig halo book thing Xbox-sky sig Avatar
pipisig pipi
Psymon psymon's sig psymon sig sig avatar sig2 2 3 text Desktop Desktopx MDB
Purewormowns test marker gargs
Quasar RSSG
razor danny kool pipin
razzy321 Sig
Red Bull The
ronaldinho Jeremy Tudo ronaldinho
RoQueN ^RoQueN^
RunT Snowy RunT Shadow RunT Userbars
S Ma' first thingy
SaintofKillers disharmony avatar jdorama nba pex lastfm realgm realgm2 puremetal
SaMzCluB xprojectx lala
SB index sig signature
Shearer NUFC Day Of Defeat
Shirdel Pirates
Sk8a d00d Vampires... Vampires are bad... I dunno
Slaya http://www.blamethep
SnipeR sniper
solar tutorialsgraves tutorialsflags tunes solarpics
sonic998259 ???NO COMMENT???
Sony+ Sony+
Sparks aparks THE DARK SPARKS
SPAZ spazoo avatar nameplate? NEWBUGGER favcomments wise cool1s
Spiderchild DTD
Spleet newsig sigscriptspleet01
Squirrel hello
Star Worms swrandom swbanners swavatars
stbrookes stbrookes stbrookes 2 st brookes sig st brookes avatar stbrookes action
Stranger http://'fraser
tana Dangerous Mcs
teflon tEfLoN jasper stuck here on earth. vest samz -stuckhereonearth- new
teh_warrior test
Terrible0ne stuff
Thanasis thanos
The Pope Glowing lawsofweirdness xmas NPB hands hands11 Quotes
The Red Pixel Killas
The Skull TheSkullsSigs TheSkull The Skull Skull1 12 2
TheAbdBoy thingy sigage ITF AbdAvatar Rikku RikkuBackground Userbarz Userbar111 NewAvatarz gay
TheBaker The Baker
ThexDarksider ttest
Thnikkaman Thnikkaman Siggish Felicia
TibS images
Toasty3D Whippie
TyeBoy gooberssigs TyeRandom TyEScriPts RandomTyE TyE. TyE's Master TyE
UltiGrav UltiGrav UltiGrav2
valdez2005 Charisse
varial VarialHeelFlip
Volke Volke Random AVI Random AVI 2 Volkes Random AVI
wewevonsheepie bacon
wicked will wills
Will gLiTcH
Wiz WizSigScript1
Worm Warrior
show all 12 comments)
I know - it comes from having such a large amount of pages, I lost control... nooo....
hrmm is there no way for me to delete 1 of my sigs? Anyway I'm quite happy that I tried out the sig generator before I even had a use for it Now I've got it together I do make use of it
heh, I never got as far as doing deletion. I think deleting them might cuase problems though with pages that still have them on... not sure.
Said: Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/blameth/public_html/sigview.php on line 30
what the heck is that
I keep trying to upload a picture and it says "File uploaded successfully" But when I try to use it as an avatar it tells me it doesn't exist! And it doesn't appear in "view sigs" either.
Why is it doing this?
files there, and it works for me...
really? That's...interesting...
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