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Quoted :: Glenn

4 days and 4 nights comes out to 8 days. These are days that are from midnight to midnight, so the first day counted would be Thursday. The 8th day would thus be the next Thursday. The followoig morning (not a full day), he would ride out of town.

Rofl... if you have 4 days and 4 nights, you still only have 4 days.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
20.06.06 07:52
Post #196
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Quoted :: psymon

Friday is the name of his horse

Good work... Bet you knew it. :P



20.06.06 10:46
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Quoted :: Bloopy
Rofl... if you have 4 days and 4 nights, you still only have 4 days.

I thought maybe it was one of those think outside the box questions :P.
20.06.06 12:45
Post #198
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heh... umm Psymon, wanna post new mystery?
20.06.06 19:23
Post #199
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heres a mystery: I'm not being sent reminders about this thread even though I subscribed?!

Sorry. Carry on.
21.06.06 17:38
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Quoted :: Peltzi

heh... umm Psymon, wanna post new mystery?

Not particularly

21.06.06 18:01
Post #201
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Okay... this is my favourite:

There was a room. There was a table in the room that had four chairs next to it. On the table there were 4 glasses, a bottle and a deck of cards. On the wall there was a rack that had 3 hooks. The room contained also a dead man.

What has happened?
21.06.06 18:36
Post #202
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Was one hook in the man?

21.06.06 19:18
Post #203
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Was one hook in the man?

21.06.06 19:45
Post #204
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Was one man hanging *on* a hook?
21.06.06 20:03
Post #205
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Quoted :: Emberstrife

Was one man hanging a hook?

21.06.06 20:18
Post #206
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There was a little gathering of 4 people to play some cards, but when they arrived, shock horror, only 3 coat hangers.

So they had a fight to the death for the last coat hook.

You know I'm a dancing machine
21.06.06 20:25
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

There was a little gathering of 4 people to play some cards, but when they arrived, shock horror, only 3 coat hangers.

So they had a fight to the death for the last coat hook.

Hehhe, no. The answer is much more complicated.
21.06.06 20:26
Post #208
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There was no door to said room, he just died from lack of...stuff.

21.06.06 20:36
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Quoted :: psymon

There was no door to said room, he just died from lack of...stuff.

Umm... huh?
21.06.06 21:32
Post #210
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