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Quoted :: Star Worms

I'll post one, I have a few books with them in...

*blows off dust*

A man lies dead in a phone booth. Two windows have been smashed, and there is someone on the end of the line. Murder is out of the question. How did he die?

he had just been fishing, and was describing the fish he'd just caught to his friend. "it was this big" and he demonstrated with his hands, smashing the window panes on either side and slitting his wrists.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
15.05.06 10:33
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Quoted :: ReadMe

Quoted :: Star Worms

I'll post one, I have a few books with them in...

*blows off dust*

A man lies dead in a phone booth. Two windows have been smashed, and there is someone on the end of the line. Murder is out of the question. How did he die?

he had just been fishing, and was describing the fish he'd just caught to his friend. "it was this big" and he demonstrated with his hands, smashing the window panes on either side and slitting his wrists.

You knew this one... don't answer if you do. It was the correct answer. Anyway, if you want to post new one, feel free. If not, let me know.
15.05.06 12:04
Post #17
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Quoted :: Peltzi

Quoted :: ReadMe

Quoted :: Star Worms

I'll post one, I have a few books with them in...

*blows off dust*

A man lies dead in a phone booth. Two windows have been smashed, and there is someone on the end of the line. Murder is out of the question. How did he die?

he had just been fishing, and was describing the fish he'd just caught to his friend. "it was this big" and he demonstrated with his hands, smashing the window panes on either side and slitting his wrists.

You knew this one... don't answer if you do. It was the correct answer. Anyway, if you want to post new one, feel free. If not, let me know.

So in essence, what your saying is we would have to guess that?



15.05.06 12:59
Post #18
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Exactly. You can ask questions, they'll be answered and when you have enough information you'll find out the answer. Then say it and you win.
15.05.06 13:13
Post #19
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oh yeh we're suppost to ask questions instead of randomly guessing :P

15.05.06 13:30
Post #20
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Quoted :: HarrY

oh yeh we're suppost to ask questions instead of randomly guessing :P

Yep. And form the questions in the way that I can answer you only "yes" or "no." Ok? Good. Now, ReadMe, do you want to post a new mystery?
15.05.06 13:41
Post #21
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Quoted :: Peltzi

ReadMe, do you want to post a new mystery?

Yea, and you can wait a few years for him to get around to it... I'll post one.

A man pushes his little silver car up to a hotel and pays the owner $2000, the owner does nothing for him and effects him in no way, he stays there for about two minutes then leaves. What is he doing?



16.05.06 01:48
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Is he taking a piss?

16.05.06 04:33
Post #23
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No, he wouldn't pay 2000 to take a piss.



16.05.06 08:33
Post #24
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Little silver car... it's monopoly. :mrgreen:

I'll see if I can find a riddle for you.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
16.05.06 09:31
Post #25
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Dcah, I know the answer to all of life's mysteries.:(
16.05.06 09:38
Post #26
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well done bloopy,
your mystey / riddleish thingy .. i look forward to, this should be interesting.
16.05.06 11:23
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I'll have to make my own one up I think, so here goes...

Kids often ask about it, it frequently gets itself on film, and it's invisible only from above.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
16.05.06 12:40
Post #28
[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
[]Star Worms
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Well my mind is thinking "sex", although the last doesn't fit.

16.05.06 14:44
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16.05.06 17:48
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