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Quoted :: Spleet

Where is Falkra?

Did you completely miss my earlier answer to that, or are you not satisfied with the answer?


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
10.05.09 03:48
Post #646
[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: Spleet

Where is Falkra?

Did you completely miss my earlier answer to that, or are you not satisfied with the answer?
10.05.09 03:59
Post #647
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Le sujet demandé n’existe pas.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
10.05.09 05:04
Post #648
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That son of a... He deleted both that thread and my account!
10.05.09 20:34
Post #649
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It's like when your friend in school suddenly becomes popular and shuns you for the cool kids.
10.05.09 20:36
Post #650
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K, the police search a MURDER SCENE four times before they find a clue that revealed the killer. WHAT HAPPENED?

10.05.09 20:48
Post #651
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The first three police that searched it were murdered?
10.05.09 21:22
Post #652
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Did it take time for the clue to appear?

Was the clue hidden beneath 3 other items?

Did the clue only appear because the first 3 policemen disturbed the scene?

Was the murder scene by the ocean?

Was the murder scene in snow?

Was the killer still at the scene when the police first started searching?


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
10.05.09 21:46
Post #653
[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Spleet

The first three police that searched it were murdered?


Quoted :: Bloopy

Did it take time for the clue to appear?

Was the clue hidden beneath 3 other items?

Did the clue only appear because the first 3 policemen disturbed the scene?

Was the murder scene by the ocean?

Was the murder scene in snow?

Was the killer still at the scene when the police first started searching?


10.05.09 23:15
Post #654
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Was the murdered victim's body still at the scene?
If so, was it the clue?

Did they use an animal to help search the 4th time?

Did they use a different gadget to help search the 4th time?

Was it a different policemen who found the clue, one who wasn't involved in the first 3 searches?

Was the clue seen during the first 3 searches and just not recognized as a clue?

Does it matter how many policemen were involved in the searches?

Is the location of the murder scene relevant?
If so, was it a house? An office? A construction site? A forest/bush? In the street? A garden/lawn/park/field? A theatre/hall?

Was something medically/healthwise different/wrong with the policemen who did the first 3 searches?

Did the clue come directly from human anatomy?
Was it blood? Skin? Hair? Fingerprint? Palm print? Footprint? Saliva? Semen/queecha juice? Pee/poop?

Was the clue a solid object?
Or a liquid?
Or was the clue the position in which other object(s) were left?


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
11.05.09 00:29
Post #655
Last edited: 11.05.09 00:29 (Bloopy - 1 times) [Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Bloopy

Was the murdered victim's body still at the scene?
If so, was it the clue?

Was it a different policemen who found the clue, one who wasn't involved in the first 3 searches.

No idea/irrelavent.

Quoted :: Bloopy

Did they use an animal to help search the 4th time?

Did they use a different gadget to help search the 4th time?

Was the clue seen during the first 3 searches and just not recognized as a clue?

Does it matter how many policemen were involved in the searches?

Was something medically/healthwise different/wrong with the policemen who did the first 3 searches?

Was the clue a solid object?
Or a liquid?

Or was the clue the position in which other object(s) were left?


Quoted :: Bloopy

Is the location of the murder scene relevant?
If so, was it a house? An office? A construction site? A forest/bush? In the street? A garden/lawn/park/field? A theatre/hall?

Did the clue come directly from human anatomy?
Was it blood? Skin? Hair? Fingerprint? Palm print? Footprint? Saliva? Semen/queecha juice? Pee/poop?

It was in an apartment.

Clue was a bloody fingerprint.

11.05.09 01:06
Post #656
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Was the fingerprint on a door/doorknob/window?

Was the fingerprint on an electronic appliance? eg. stereo, microwave

Was the fingerprint on something that moves?

Was the fingerprint on something that makes noises?

Was the fingerprint on the murder weapon?

Did the killer use the apartment's balcony or fire escape?


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
11.05.09 03:54
Post #657
[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Was the clue there when the three first policemen searched the scene? They just missed it?

Was any of the police involved in the crime itself?

Was the fingerprint made by the murderer? The victim?
11.05.09 08:44
Post #658
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Quoted :: Bloopy

Was the fingerprint on a door/doorknob/window?

Was the fingerprint on an electronic appliance? eg. stereo, microwave

Was the fingerprint on the murder weapon?

Did the killer use the apartment's balcony or fire escape?

Quoted :: Peltzi

Was any of the police involved in the crime itself?


Quoted :: Bloopy

Was the fingerprint on something that moves?

Was the fingerprint on something that makes noises?

It does move, but it doesn't move any distance.
It also makes a small sound.

Quoted :: Peltzi

Was the clue there when the three first policemen searched the scene? They just missed it?

Was the fingerprint made by the murderer? The victim?

Yes, the clue was there when the scene was searched the first three times, but each time they missed it.

The fingerprint belonged to the murderer.

11.05.09 16:56
Post #659
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Was the fingerprint on a light switch?
If so, did the police miss it the first 3 times because they hadn't needed to use the switch during the day?

Was the fingerprint on a switch for something other than lights?

Was the fingerprint on a device for opening/closing the curtains/blinds?


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
11.05.09 21:15
Post #660
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