

Listed below are the suggestions that have been made for BTP, that have not already been marked as done. If you are logged in you can also respond to suggestions if you feel the urge.

Your Suggestion
Enter the First and Last numbers here: 544096

where I can get worms acII´s


Responses (0)

orc war boss from warhammer 40k


Responses (0)



Responses (0)

This IS a search box.


Responses (0)

This IS NOT a search box.


Responses (0)

A "Spyro Chat" fourm in Off-Topic Fourms, so that I can talk about the purple kid without being rated down.


Responses (0)

New file with "chat" to worms, because player with chat is very good...


Responses (0)

Ban MilesPrower. He won't come back to BTP, anyway. I know, because I AM. If you don't trust me, try it accessing with this password: btpmiles95.

Do what you want with that account, as I can see, no one wants me here.


Responses (2)

Forum area for Worms 4 Mayhem too!


Responses (1)

Peace with pixels and humans


Responses (1)

Get Beer.php!


Responses (2)

NO since it was my idea


Responses (0)

Can we have a comments/test page?


Responses (0)

View suggestions more often


Responses (0)

Add Kelvin degrees function to Temperature Converter


Responses (2)

Correct the passwords bug


Responses (0)

Answer more often in ATP plz!


Responses (0)

I forgot to add this other one: Correct the "View All Comments" page in each page with comments. It doesn't works too; it brings you to a blank page


Responses (1)

Correct the delete function to PMs. It doesn't works now


Responses (2)

Fix "Set Forums to ignore" error, wont work anymore.
Remove "User Startpage" in Profile Information


Responses (1)

Add a delete function to Beta PMs. They're intensely annoying.


Responses (0)

Fix the //-page error!


Responses (0)

Fix the monstrous fucking map previews


Responses (2)

Poxel Flyer isnt working... delete it or punish me...

omg no! he'll punish me


Responses (0)

I dont wanna spam (me? Noooooo :mrgreen:), but a third suggestion:
Put "PixVille II Map" into the fun section.


Responses (2)

Sup with the random BTP titles?


Responses (2)



Responses (2)

Fix the oldnews comments error. Always only 1 comment shown.


Responses (2)

Preview Button in Quick Reply


Responses (0)

Users who no longer exist should not count towards the number of people who have hidden your sig.


Responses (0)

I think you should have various word counts that look through all pages and count how many times "worms" and other words are displayed


Responses (0)

Ability to order member list by nationality


Responses (0)

Some new informations itoprofiles, like date of birth (for age) and which Worm -game the user plays.


Responses (0)

I only say it is cool.The second part you can imagine away.


Responses (0)

In general good but I can't register because I don't get a register-email.


Responses (0)

Get the caption comp up and running again.


Responses (7)

Make it so you can only vote once for an excuse and such.


Responses (0)

Ability to upload prewievs for schemes, such as logos.


Responses (2)

Below are the suggestions that have been marked as done

List of gametypes does not work for me


Responses (3)

Ban me.


Responses (2)

Delete all Pixels.


Responses (1)

<a href="">yes, this page is a bit mesed up</a>


Responses (1)

Hi. Beautiful content and website design. Sorry for my english. I am from albania.


Responses (0)

Add my clan page on for wa and wwp)


Responses (1)

The "Find new" page for comments
that old thing that showed the last 10 comments submitted..


Responses (0)

Below are the suggestions that are never gonna or are unlikely to happen that haven't already been deleted

Give Pio322 a golden torso


Responses (0)

fook i cant delete sent pm's!


Responses (3)

Icons for comments and such.


Responses (0)



Responses (5)

Read the suggestions from time to time.


Responses (0)

Add a (P)roper insults page.


Responses (1)

Delete the 3300 some members that you only hear from once in a blue moon.


Responses (2)

Ban ZoGgEr!, please. He's annoying and gets on everyone's nerves.


Responses (6)

The Worm-net is using Teamspeak2!So can and we!


Responses (1)

Your Comments: (show all 24 comments)

[S]Bloopy Said:
tundraH: "ban Swordgator." ...lmao Swordgator is Zog's friend :D
[22.01.04 11:05 PM]

[G]cyrax Said:
lmfao @ zogger :8
[07.06.04 05:04 AM]

[G]dj canada Said:
are sugestions even being read anymore or have the spamm posts tooken over?

[28.06.04 09:23 PM]

[G]dj canada Said:
this place needs to be cleaned up, BIG TIME
[17.07.04 06:16 AM]

[G]xshutdownx Said:
somhow i think it's pretty funny to see what people search for :p
[17.07.04 01:55 PM]

[G]emberstrife Said:
The list could use some purging or something
[01.12.05 06:19 PM]

[ES]Pioneer322 Said:
it took alot of tab+space, but cleaned up. *yey* :lol:
[04.01.06 12:22 PM]

[B]Pac-Man Said:
[10.01.08 11:17 AM]

[B]Pac-Man Said:
[23.07.08 03:43 AM]

[]MilesPrower Said:
What do you know about spaced comments???

yay! I did it

[27.07.08 11:59 PM]

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[11 Queries, Page Loaded in 0.302818 Seconds]


Xmas Greetings from waka waka waka waka []Unvalidated EmailChristmasRiddle MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! []Spleet Except for Spleet. []TheAbdBoy Always bummin' a brother out. []Spleet Happy New Year everyone! But Spleet. []TheAbdBoy

Word Association


-10 Ago-

MiddleEastern []AlphaWolf camel [S]Bloopy toe []TheAbdBoy moose knuckle [S]Bloopy MeatLoaf []Spleet IdDoAnything4Lo ve []AlphaWolf rub n tug []TheAbdBoy tugboat []The Pope rope [S]Bloopy race []TheAbdBoy


Must be logged in to add new words


You have to be logged in to vote...

Member Stats

Date: 21.12.24.
Members: 4731.
Latest: []Unvalidated Emailsdsakldsaldklasdsdsa
0 user(s)
1 guest(s)

On chat:
Lots of people

Files: 3330

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