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Were any of them involved in governmental activities (ie: FBI, CIA, etc)?
27.06.06 17:55
Post #256
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Quoted :: Glenn

Were any of them involved in governmental activities (ie: FBI, CIA, etc)?

27.06.06 18:40
Post #257
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Was one of the men a professional hitman and made it look like an accsident?

27.06.06 19:21
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Quoted :: psymon

Was one of the men a professional hitman and made it look like an accsident?

No, it was real accident.
27.06.06 19:32
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Quoted :: Peltzi

Quoted :: psymon

Was one of the men a professional hitman and made it look like an accsident?

No, it was real accident.

That's exactly what they want you to believe!

27.06.06 19:40
Post #260
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Quoted :: psymon

Quoted :: Peltzi

Quoted :: psymon

Was one of the men a professional hitman and made it look like an accsident?

No, it was real accident.

That's exactly what they want you to believe!

:D I checked their records and they were all okay. I trust them.
27.06.06 19:53
Post #261
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I dont. I say your mystery is fundamentally floored.

Did one of the other men "accidentally" do something to the now deceased?
27.06.06 20:43
Post #262
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Quoted :: kikumbob

Did one of the other men "accidentally" do something to the now deceased?


I wonder where this room is? Is it an office in a high skyscraper or just a small apartment in a block of flats? No, I don't think it is...
28.06.06 08:51
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did they accidentally set fire to the place.. smoking with the alcohol or something.

was the bottle filled up by the sprinkler system?

You know I'm a dancing machine
28.06.06 09:33
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Did the guy who died bet something by accident because he was drunk?

28.06.06 10:12
Post #265
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

did they accidentally set fire to the place.. smoking with the alcohol or something.


Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

was the bottle filled up by the sprinkler system?


Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Did the guy who died bet something by accident because he was drunk?

No. He wasn't drunk when he played.
28.06.06 11:21
Post #266
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Quoted :: Peltzi

Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Did the guy who died bet something by accident because he was drunk?

No. He wasn't drunk when he played.

Was he drunk towards the end of the game?

Did the game get a chance to finish or did something happen that led to the accident?


28.06.06 13:28
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Quoted :: RunT

Was he drunk towards the end of the game?

No. He got drunk after the game.

Quoted :: RunT

Did the game get a chance to finish or did something happen that led to the accident?

The game was finished
28.06.06 13:35
Post #268
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Were the people playing in another room in a skyscraper, he got very drunk and fell out the window and fell and died in the room where he was found?

28.06.06 14:27
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Quoted :: psymon

Were the people playing in another room in a skyscraper, he got very drunk and fell out the window and fell and died in the room where he was found?

28.06.06 14:40
Post #270
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