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Quoted :: Bloopy

Was the man drunk on brandy from that particular bottle? If so, did he drink all the brandy by himself?

Yes, no

Quoted :: Bloopy

Was the man the one who brought the water into the room?


Quoted :: Bloopy

Did he bet and lose the water in the card game?

Very much no ;)

Quoted :: Bloopy

Did he die because he choked on something?

26.06.06 12:26
Post #241
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Did he just slip onto the hook due to being drunk?

26.06.06 14:27
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Quoted :: psymon

Did he just slip onto the hook due to being drunk?

26.06.06 15:54
Post #243
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Did the man die of alcohol poisoning.

Were the other men playing fairly?

Infact, did the man die because every time a person lost a round he had to take a shot of brandy but the other men cheated by taking a shot of water?
26.06.06 17:46
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Quoted :: kikumbob

Did the man die of alcohol poisoning.

No (which we already had found out, hadn't we)

Quoted :: kikumbob

Were the other men playing fairly?

Yes. Hint: Only panic would have made them cheat, but they all were trained to prevent it.

Quoted :: kikumbob

Infact, did the man die because every time a person lost a round he had to take a shot of brandy but the other men cheated by taking a shot of water?


26.06.06 17:57
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Was he expecting to take a swig of brandy, but had a heart attack because of the water?

26.06.06 18:25
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Erm, did these people have specifc jobs that need should be taken into account?
26.06.06 18:30
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Quoted :: kikumbob

Erm, did these people have specifc jobs that need should be taken into account?

Well the job itself doesn't have anything to do with the answer but it may help you in finding it out.
26.06.06 20:02
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Did anyone get drunk off the water?

26.06.06 22:35
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Were any of the men involved in illegal activities?
27.06.06 02:03
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Quoted :: Glenn

Were any of the men involved in illegal activities?

27.06.06 06:37
Post #251
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Did he just happen to die of old age?

27.06.06 14:13
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Quoted :: psymon

Did he just happen to die of old age?

No, it was an accident.
27.06.06 14:22
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Did he die because an object did something to him?

Did he die of natural causes?

Did he die because he did something to another object?

27.06.06 17:43
Post #254
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Did he die because an object did something to him?

Did he die of natural causes?

Did he die because he did something to another object?

Natural causes, I'd say
27.06.06 17:55
Post #255
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