
Map Picks Old & New!

This page chows the latest map picked, then all the old ones in no particular order...

Current Pick of the Maps

Sam&Max Shopper, by Cevval.
Uploaded by Cevval.
Description: good graphics, themed sprites....

And The Oldies...

wxw Fly w2w, by Peltzi.
Uploaded by Peltzi.
Description: Yupp, kinda mixture of Fly shopper and w2w, to reach both walls, you must fly a bit. Good luck..

Funny City, by Mximum_Own (or so).
Uploaded by Hot Gravy.
Description: When I was playing a shoppa online, a guy kept spoiling my fun by saying "You have to attack from rope!" when I used a Shotgun, and "You have to collect a crate before you attack". So I stole this map for revenge..

WarSite Shoppa, by DrunkeN-DrummeR.
Uploaded by DrunkeN DrummeR.
Description: This is my 2nd Shoppa map & it focuses on giving the player a large wealth of hiding places. I have really upped the texture detail over my first shoppa map, & it gives the map a lot more graphical depth. Enjoy!.

Worms War2 Shoppa, by ShOwTiMe.
Uploaded by ShOwTiMe.
Description: Thanks to AnAmAt and DrunkeN DrummeR!enjoy! pls report if you find some failures!.

xX_Sh0pp4_M4P_JasonTB_Xx, by JasonTB.
Uploaded by Bloopy.
Description: It's a Shoppa Map which is just a little bit difficult..

Golden curves, by Peltzi.
Uploaded by Peltzi.
Description: My first colour map after long work is now complete. I used much time thinking where the players would launch their ropes and working on the design. Thanks to all the testers for comments, especially Distrance and MrChupidi. More comments of course are welcome :)..

Green Jetpack Race, Array by Fivecookies.
Uploaded by M2.
Description: I tested this map and there's place where's easy plop..

GreenHill, Array by Bloopy.
Uploaded by Bloopy.
Description: Before The Architect came along, I had started to make a battle race with this Sonic terrain, but it was doomed to never be finished. Now that The Architect supports tiles of any size, it's great for battle races, and I've been able to finish off the map! Note that The Architect doesn't yet support bigger maps - I made this one in three parts..

Your Comments: (show all 29 comments)

[S]Bloopy Said:
Surprise! Hmm wtf is with the broken images on this page.
[07.03.04 10:36 AM]

[]MrrLL Said:
Bloopy is the #1 map maker of all time...
[07.04.04 11:31 PM]

[S]Zogger! Said:
urgh. I haven't looked at this page in ages - Can't even remember how the pixk system works.
[08.04.04 09:50 PM]

[S]Bloopy Said:
fixed :D
[18.04.04 07:24 AM]

[G]insanitoon Said:
how u build maps like downloadable ones
[19.11.04 02:24 PM]

[G]billynizzle Said:
most of my maps are done by bloopy. he does my fave maps. i love those rr maps^^
[24.07.05 04:05 AM]

[G]hot gravy Said:
Wow! I like these
maps! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :DHow could I make one as good as one of them?

[23.08.05 06:01 PM]

[]Unvalidated EmailJuancri Said:
How do I put that maps on Worms World Party?
[25.02.07 12:37 PM]

[B]Pac-Man Said:
[09.09.07 12:48 AM]

[]SouthX Said:
They're broked! D:
[09.09.07 03:43 AM]

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