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SPAZ loves the cock :D

Anyway, I would help program the game thing.. I like coding :D
15.08.04 23:50
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sounds good to me, altho by help it'd be head the team, and by team we'd mean you.

Zog's busy playing with java and starting uni, CB is go knows where and I'm working on GFXjunkie and my site atm.

Plus i spent the last 2 days getting fed up of regex over a stupid little pattern with a mate of mine.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
16.08.04 01:18
Post #47
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Whats the hell is regex?
16.08.04 01:47
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Regular expression. Basically a sort of filter where once it's found what the filter is looking for, will perform some other action...

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16.08.04 08:22
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although you'd have to navigate through my old bad code, work out all those random little variables we use, and functions, and stuff.

btw, I could do the sorting into counries thing now if we had some coutnry names. Or even just a number of countries to sort into. We can edit the names in later. I was gonna do an order by posts query and just cycle through the country numbers. Then add a quick thing which checks which country has the least on signup and it automatically sticks you into that one.

I don't know if choosing your country would be a good idea, might get uneven if one sounds better than the other, and besides, babys don't get to choose their parents ;).

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16.08.04 08:26
Post #50
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[]The Pope
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Quoted :: Bloopy

I don't think I've ever seen an isometric map of the world before Pope. :) It would be interesting wouldn't it.

Well here's a close up of what the land could look like. The world map would just be using less squares representing bigger land.

An image!

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16.08.04 09:26
Post #51
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Great ! We could build bridges, put taxes on them, destroy them ! :D
And ask questions to bridge keepers, (ie the bridge of death : what is your name, what is your quest, and what... is the capital of Assyria ?).


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16.08.04 09:31
Post #52
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Quoted :: The Pope

Well here's a close up of what the land could look like. The world map would just be using less squares representing bigger land.

An image!

heh, that's pretty good, and easy to make, cause it's just filling in sqaures on a grid..

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16.08.04 09:33
Post #53
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Yes it is real good, reminds me the early civilization games. I want to dig for gold here ! :mrgreen:


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16.08.04 09:35
Post #54
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So basically Pixville but on a bigger scale...

Learn to look, look to learn.
16.08.04 09:44
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I like it. I would have the undernet. Evil ruler... awsome :lol:
16.08.04 12:51
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Well, we already have a list of possible country names if you look at the last two pages of posts.

Quoted :: XxfuzzballxX

I like it. I would have the undernet. Evil ruler... awsome :lol:

Don't tell me you're playing MMBN as well :P.
16.08.04 17:30
Post #57
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you could never match this ruler, edit: oops, fuzzball (lol)

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16.08.04 17:41
Post #58
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erm, psymon hasnt said anything....

You could have it so the richest person in a country owns it, that way people can club together their money and take over their contry - revolution!


babys don't get to choose their parents .

I've gone with babies dont get to choose where they are born...

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
16.08.04 19:46
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Either he was referring to Fuzzball or my inturdnet comment....

And now that I've worked it out, I'll have to take another contry or join someone elses

16.08.04 19:52
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