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I suggested pixel/isometric art for the record.

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23.08.04 08:56
Post #136
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

**VISIT **

FOR README: This is just list of ideas, there is lot of contradictory and only aim is to have all ideas on one place, so creators of pixelworld could have good place to see all users ideas, not to browse 10 forum pages

Maybe lot of us are too ambitious, my idea was very simple, first to asing users to countries FIRST, and then admins could code more and more things weekly or something
Isnt this best solution, to first asing users to non-grafic countries and after that draw them and so, first let it be extended pixelville.

btw, I am offering my help if its needed
23.08.04 12:40
Post #137
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I'd prolly help but I dont really wanna get too much into game design, it's not my forte


Crap, i forgot what you said...

EDIT: ah yes, you seems to think that BTP being built live for 2 years or so is a good thing - believe me it's not. Anyone who has worked on the code will tell you it's crying out for a complete revamp and cleanup but theres just too much of it to even try this. Look at the size of the menu, it's huge and almost unusable, i've seen that quite a few members actually have bookmarks to separate pages on the site just to avoid using the menu.

The newer BTP code is pretty good, the old stuff is atrocious, Zog seems to prefer hard coding small things into the code but i have a habit of overdoing it with db tables, as a result the site becomes a mix of tiny DB tables and huge chunks of code defining something that should really be in a table.

in short, BTP behind the scenes is a mess but there's not a lot anyon can do about it. :roll:

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23.08.04 21:19
Post #138
Last edited: 23.08.04 21:23 (ReadMe - 1 times) [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Well, mess or not, I like that mess, and the menus are very big, yes, but at least everything is available (with distance of one click). ;)

I always asked myself, what was the total size of all code pages, must be scary.


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23.08.04 21:29
Post #139
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the actual list of files in the rrot directory is a good 200k lol

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23.08.04 22:10
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Not so scary lol, I was thinking it would be much much more.


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23.08.04 22:11
Post #141
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you misinderstand, thats just the actual info [i]about[/i] the files, names and sizes etc

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23.08.04 22:47
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Wow, insane. How much is each file? (average)
24.08.04 03:34
Post #143
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What I ment in what I said is:

Thur trail and error this site is getting better... but we are making all these plans for this game... when the game is does not even have a "starter" to go off of...

We got to make the game... and go from there.. thur trail and error, we will improve it. It is the only way this game will ever get built...

Start from a simple idea... and THEN build.

24.08.04 04:18
Post #144
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Ha, the list, ok I see, scary then. :lol:


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24.08.04 07:27
Post #145
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Quoted :: ReadMe


I'd prolly help but I dont really wanna get too much into game design, it's not my forte


Crap, i forgot what you said...

EDIT: ah yes, you seems to think that BTP being built live for 2 years or so is a good thing - believe me it's not. Anyone who has worked on the code will tell you it's crying out for a complete revamp and cleanup but theres just too much of it to even try this. Look at the size of the menu, it's huge and almost unusable, i've seen that quite a few members actually have bookmarks to separate pages on the site just to avoid using the menu.

The newer BTP code is pretty good, the old stuff is atrocious, Zog seems to prefer hard coding small things into the code but i have a habit of overdoing it with db tables, as a result the site becomes a mix of tiny DB tables and huge chunks of code defining something that should really be in a table.

in short, BTP behind the scenes is a mess but there's not a lot anyon can do about it. :roll:

true, but I'm not sure what you mean about hard coding stuff. Rusk was a lot like that, which is why I got bored of it, and the smilies, designs and stuff, but for small things like that surely it's much slower to access the database and do another query rather than just access an array... ;).

I don't go for my original bad habits anymore, like assuming superglobals, and not putting quotes in array keys tho... :)

edit: the public_html directory is 243MB, after taking off most of the major subdirectories, the top of that directory (ie the bit with all the code) is about 45MB

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24.08.04 08:42
Post #146
Last edited: 24.08.04 08:45 (ZoGgEr! - 1 times) [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i mean doing

$gametype[] = 'shopper';
$gametype[] = 'roper';

instead of using a DB table.

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24.08.04 22:07
Post #147
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oh.. yeh good point ;)

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25.08.04 08:15
Post #148
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That's how I have it at Contra Clan. I think Readme, was the one who suggested it..
25.08.04 16:31
Post #149
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

lets go back to pixelworld ideas plz
26.08.04 07:19
Post #150
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