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to play the game you must have at least 100 posts...
17.08.04 19:56
Post #76
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Hey Megalomaniac
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We still need to figure out how to do the battles. If it was Worms battles, then we'd need some sort of universal pass assuming someone can host the game. That sort of magnifies the problem of having WA or WWP. As for the other option, coding the whole game, how would we do it? Strategy? Fighting? Super extreme golf?


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
17.08.04 20:00
Post #77
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How about a Advance wars esque fights.

Person 1 buys a tank and use his MDtank to attack baddies Tank....Turn over.

17.08.04 20:03
Post #78
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Seems this is going to be a game =/ Perhaps a race? The more resources you get, the more it helps you to get the the center of the maps. Everyone is equally away from the center. The first to the center of the map wins. You can also gain money from the game, by creating resources, that you can sell. You can build brides to other land masses. No boats or planes.
17.08.04 20:07
Post #79
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i like that idea, stealing resources would be a nice addition... do it with population too! more population = more resources stole.. heh :D
17.08.04 20:08
Post #80
Last edited: 17.08.04 20:08 (Knifa - 1 times) [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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someone really needs to collate these ideas into a clear coherent plan of what we actually want - then separate it into what needs to be done then assign tasks to individuals.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
17.08.04 23:23
Post #81
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But do we have volunteers that want tasks asigned to them?
18.08.04 02:40
Post #82
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Quoted :: madknifa

i like that idea, stealing resources would be a nice addition... do it with population too! more population = more resources stole.. heh :D

The populations will be even for the most part. But, the thing is, can the other people of the country, build stuff, or can the leader of that country, only build stuff? Perhaps everyone can build stuff, but the leader, can cast people out of his country. :D :twisted:
18.08.04 03:13
Post #83
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nice.. i like that one... :D
18.08.04 07:22
Post #84
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We need a coordinator for all those ideas. :roll:


Artwork by the wishmaster.

18.08.04 13:14
Post #85
[My maps] [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)


I think that it should be simple at the begining and then admins should add new features


-The countries are completely made up(good)
-There are loads of countries(bad)
-Buy improvements(good)
-It can be worm related(bad)
-Assign someone with at least 500 posts to each group(ask Zogger how would assigning people goinng to be)
-Maybe the money should be reset if this is goin got work(not bad)
-Hmm maybe we should all start with a set ammount then(not bad, after reseting)
-An option to steal from other countries(good)
-I really don't think we should use real countries, people will start complaining how someone is already incharge of their country.(good)
-How about bluies can't join other countries that already have bluies.(imposible, cos there should be more than 15 countries)
-Kings/presidents/wathever of countries can draw something like castle or city, that is capital of country(good)
-The map of the countries be isometric(good)
-I for one think it would be cool, if you have to play a type of worms game to order to invade a country... or defend... best out of 5 with your team/country partners.(not good)
-Everything can be reseted, say every 1-3 months(very bad)
-We could build bridges, put taxes on them, destroy them(good & almost inposible to code in php/some internet lenguage)
-Basically Pixville but on a bigger scale(can be)
-You could have it so the richest person in a country owns it, that way people can club together their money and take over their contry - revolution(very good)
-Made up world map(good)
About money, it could be used to increase terrain quality, there could be like 3-4 quality levels like(good & hard to code in php/some internet lenguage)
-Region admin,they could give authorization to build roads, bridges and stuff(kinda good)
-Buy yo get pixel world domination, to use money, and to have a btp country, alliance and rank in our sweet profiles.(nice)
-Why dont we make it every user has his own country(bad, it is like pixelville)
-You can buy weapons and defense for battles(kinda good)
-To play the game you must have at least 100 posts(very bad)
-It is going to be like Worms battles(bad)
-The more resources you get, the more it helps you to get the the center of the maps. Everyone is equally away from the center. The first to the center of the map wins. You can also gain money from the game, by creating resources, that you can sell. You can build brides to other land masses. No boats or planes.(Too much micromenagment)
-Someone really needs to collate these ideas into a clear coherent plan of what we actually want(I just did it)

Like my coordinating:):)?
18.08.04 14:21
Post #86
Last edited: 18.08.04 14:38 (Archamond - 1 times) [ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

List of all ideas on my site, it will be updated daily
18.08.04 14:49
Post #87
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
Holidays tomorrow, back here and on WN.
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Yes this is nice, I agree for most of it, but i think the 100+ post is required, else it would turn into a big spam/mess.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

18.08.04 14:56
Post #88
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

but countries would be so empty, what would you think if you have around 50 posts??????
Not all peoples with < 100 posts spammers, there are more spammers with mroe that 100 post

But there should be some kind agreement that evreybdoy should read**going to add new idea to list**
18.08.04 15:03
Post #89
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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where you say it would almost be impossible in PHP/etc, you are wrong.. you can do EVERYTHING you want. :D
18.08.04 15:06
Post #90
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