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Poll: Which One Do You Like The Most?
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i have huge speed, so it only takes 1 sec 4 me 2 strike(this is ff9 btw)

04.04.04 18:17
Post #76
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Here's another method that I like alot. It's the IP battle gauge (don't ask, I don't know what it stands for). This is somewhere between ATB and that battle system from FFX. Basically, all the battle participants have icons on a circular charge bar. They move up at given speeds until they reach the last 1/6 of the bar (the ACT zone). If it's one of your characters, the action stops temporarily (like in FFX). You select the command, and your speed of execution is based on the command type. Your character then moves across the terrain (if they have to), and execute the action.
Now, there are several things that are nice about this system. Each character has a MOV rating (somewhat like FFT), which determines the distance they can travel during the turn. If they can't reach the target with their rating, they will progress until it runs out. And if they have excess MOV left, they will auto retreat from the enemy. Also, when the your turn comes up, you can see the actions the enemy have lined up. This way, you can anticipate their attacks, and it makes it more like an action-reaction battle.
Furthermore, if you still think this is like the FF battle systems, think again. Everytime you take damage, your icon on the IP bar (circle) moves backwards, based on the impact. Basic attacks barely drop your IP. But stonger attacks and magic attacks will send it hurteling the wrong direction. Also, with specific attacks, your character can be knocked completely out of the ACT zone (if they were in it). As well as this, you're icon can stop in the ACT zone, if you take more IP damage than it can support, but it wasn't an attack that could knock you out of the zone. Also, there is an altenative to defense, evasion. Yes, this means if an enemy is coming at you, you now have several choices:
1) Try to attack it before it attacks you (dealing a counter multiplier).
2) Try to use a Lv. 7 special attack to cancel the enemy's attack (these are activated as soon as selected, and knock the enemy out of the ACT zone).
3) Use a spell in an effort to stall their IP.
4) Try to run past them to draw their attack out (and miss you), or run away in an effort to empty their MOV.
5) Accept your fate and defend.
04.04.04 20:06
Post #77
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What game was that used in?

Squad turn baced is the one I liked the most. Your squads algilty added together to see which squad went first. It wouldn't translate to FF to well though. (It might of for FFT)

05.04.04 08:06
Post #78
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That system is used in the Grandia games (Grandia, Grandia II, Grandia XTreme).
07.04.04 00:09
Post #79
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I think Final Fantasy VII is the best of all.
As you can tell from my sig...I like Cloud.
Apart from FF Glenn is my hero...

I haven't played any FF better than VII.
I think they should remake it.
Can't wait for the movie.:mrgreen:
17.05.04 19:08
Post #80
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OOC: well done on reviving a month old thread, but coz your new, I won't hold it against you.

Is it true about Square remaking FFVII, FVIII and FFIX?

17.05.04 19:12
Post #81
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Well... it did pertain to the topic...

They *may* be re-making FF7, but I don't know about 3 or 9.
17.05.04 19:14
Post #82
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glennismyhero joined btp like 2 weeeks ago, why is he still white torso'd?(this also applies 2 all other more than a week old white torso ppl)

17.05.04 19:14
Post #83
Last edited: 17.05.04 19:15 (HarrY - 1 times) [Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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On the subject on FF, FFX-2 SUCKED (except for Rikku, still cute ^_^). It was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too easy to level up in that game. You can level up without even touching the damn controller. Same thing with FFX, but FFX it was harder to level up without a controller. FFX and FFX-2 also because they were waaaay too easy.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is better than Final Fantasy Tactics IMO because Advance actually gave you a chance to level up properly, Final Fantasy Tactics just forced you to continue the storyline somtimes. But FFT was good for one thing:
SpoilerSpoiler (Click to Expand)Spoiler .

Final Fantasy CC Just sucked cock. It had bad graphics and was just bad.

On the subject on Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, it will be okay. There is actual action, unlike that other dumb movie. I aslo heard that a movie-based game will also be made for the PSP (Yay!).

In Final Fantasy VII, some people just hated it, because of the Anime styled FMVs, they said it was "too kiddy". WTF does that mean? "Too Kiddy" means connecting the dot's or somthing, or doing somthing simple, no puzzles, just some straight forward shit.

That's all for now :D

17.05.04 23:04
Post #84
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I love all the FF games that ive played. Bad thing is that the FF11 costs f*cking 100$ and 20$ a month for online... i hope F12 is just a normal offline thing
17.05.04 23:52
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Well, when you think about it, when FF7 came out it was at the top of the gaming world's graphic capabilities...
And for FF11, I thought it was only $12 per month (with an extra $2 charge for each extra character). Ah well, if I buy it it'll be for PC anyway.
18.05.04 00:11
Post #86
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I never seen this thread, and i now voted was a very good game..except for the last boss which you could kill with pretty much any thing (Zombie then full life)
18.05.04 01:27
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Quoted :: MrrLL

I love all the FF games that ive played. Bad thing is that the FF11 costs f*cking 100$ and 20$ a month for online... i hope F12 is just a normal offline thing

FF12 is going to be offline, and it is going to be based on the world of FFT Advance.
18.05.04 19:01
Post #88
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Quoted :: MrrLL
(Zombie then full life)

It's more fun just letting it kill it's self.

I don't think FFTA is the best universe to base FFXII on, but I'll still proberly get it. (As long as it's not like FFX-2)

18.05.04 19:04
Post #89
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yea but then you ahve to wait 10 whole turns for him to cast heal on himself, rofl
18.05.04 20:22
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