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Poll: Which One Do You Like The Most?
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But Rikku and Rikku are the same person!

21.08.04 18:16
Post #211
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It's two different time-periods/ages/outfits :P.
22.08.04 01:20
Post #212
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Glenn has a point, Or is Abd one of them people who see's the characters as people?

Quick question. What is your fav. Fiend? Not bosses,but random encounter monsters.
I like the cactuars, they are fscking funny and in FFVIII scared the ever-loving snot out of me when my bro first summoned it.

22.08.04 19:55
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[]TheAbdBoy$1asked Shelly to cosplay as Rikku

Hmmz. I think. That guy. SEPHIROTH.

From Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy VII.

oh yeah, btw. Auron is gunna be in Kingdom Hearts II!

23.08.04 00:08
Post #214
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Tonberrys. They have knives, they have big, glowy eyes, and they can kill you in one shot. YES! wait, NO!
23.08.04 03:11
Post #215
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I didn't read Psymons post. My favorite random encounter is...



It's gotta be a Chocobo!

23.08.04 17:11
Post #216
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My fave fiend, hmmm i think that has gotta b.....

Tonberry aswell!

For pretty much the same reasons

Quoted :: Glenn

Tonberrys. They have knives, they have big, glowy eyes, and they can kill you in one shot. YES! wait, NO!


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

30.08.04 15:11
Post #217
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

i'm not sure what it would be, maybe an iron giant thing on FF7, in the north cave, cause they dont die. and because when cloud counters his attack, he counters that and cloud counters that

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01.09.04 16:36
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Let's talk about Rydia now >_>

06.09.04 17:45
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

ok.....on a different note, does anybody know anything about FF XI, like is it any good, and i think you have to pay a monthly fee, but how much is that. and also i've seen some footage of FF XII and it looks pretty cool. and also, one last thing, has anybody heard of Ocean Star, cos i think #3 is coming out soon......

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06.09.04 19:40
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Star Ocean 3 came out in the US Sept. 5, and it is an AWESOME game. Go play it as soon as it comes out in the UK.

FFIX costs $12 per month to play. I don't know if it's any good or not, but I can tell you it hit the 500000 active players mark as soon as the PS version was released in the US. To put that into perspective, it's been out for about 1.5 years, and Everquest has been around for a LONG time (over 5 years) and has maxed out at 700000.
06.09.04 21:03
Post #221
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it's $20 here :(

I really want that game (FF11).

06.09.04 23:49
Post #222
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

i really want it aswell, so i can continue my collection and cos it looks really good, and i guess i will get star ocean 3, but wasn't there a star ocean that came out on PS?

An image!
07.09.04 17:11
Post #223
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Star Ocean was for the SNES, but it was never released outside of Japan. Star Ocean: The Second Story, was released in Japan and the US for PS1, but not the UK. So finally, the UK ends up getting Star Ocean 3: Til the End of Time.
The game's battles are in real time, so if you don't like that sort of thing, you've been warned.
07.09.04 18:17
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New question. If you could make the new FF game, what Ideas would you put into it?

I'ld make so it's one big city/town (Modern day or feutre like ff7) This would add some non-linernes and add some new type of gameplau into it (EG, sneaking into out of bounds area(EG:Building sites))

Other than that, having a modern day, real world FF game. everyone wearing rael clothing that we ware and using real/inprovised weapons (EG:Pool cue)

An Action FF game would be cool as well, sorta like DMC.

13.09.04 18:54
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