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Poll: Which One Do You Like The Most?
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Best is FFX-2, because the story was well writen and the character design was awsome.

Worst is FFVIII because the battle system. It did have good music though (Eyes on Me won an award, and most video game songs suck)

Onto Music:
Also Eyes on Me actually HAD somthing to do with the story and real Emotion and 1000 Words had nothing to do with the story at all. Even though 1000 Words was supposed to be important and a "message" in it, it didn't. If you listen to the words in the song, you'll see it has nothing to do with the story at all.
Eyes on me was
SpoilerSpoiler (Click to Expand)Spoiler

Sorry if that stuff in the spoiler is a bit choppy, I didn't have enough time too look over it because I gtg now.

30.05.04 05:14
Post #136
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Quoted :: Abd
Best is FFX-2, because the story was well writen and the character design was awsome.

Your only saying that because Rikku is bearly dressed in it. Storyline? What storyline?
Yuna: hey...look. the person in this sphere looks like Tidus. Let's go find him.
Rikku and Paine: K.

FF8 was better than X-2(Storyline wise) but battle system was a bit slow in FF8.

FF7 had the best battle system and storyline out of the new ones.

(By new ones I mean 3D)

30.05.04 17:08
Post #137
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Quoted :: psymon

Quoted :: Abd
Best is FFX-2, because the story was well writen and the character design was awsome.

Your only saying that because Rikku is bearly dressed in it. Storyline? What storyline?
Yuna: hey...look. the person in this sphere looks like Tidus. Let's go find him.
Rikku and Paine: K.

... did you even attempt to beat the game one hundred percent? If you actually try doing that, the storyline get's more exciting and more is revealed about Vegnagun, Nooj, Baralai, Gippal, Paine, The Leblanc Syndicate, that old guy that likes to tell stories (forgot his name) and the rest are in spoilers just because. SpoilerSpoiler (Click to Expand)Spoiler .

30.05.04 19:58
Post #138
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Did you not get afected by the annoyingness? The whole game is annoying.

Yes, the battle system is differant (I wouldn't say it was better, just differant)
and Yes, it was (Sorta) a good Idea with the job changing. but it just annoying my so much.

Yuna& Rikku: Golwwings.....
[]Psymon$1: Ohhhh......Shut up.

30.05.04 20:02
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Quoted :: routine_error

Good job, Abd. I remember playing that back in the day... now I try playing it on an emulator and it just takes way too much time, not worth it at all. Back then, though... was great fun, for some reason. I think I beat it a couple times, I dunno how many times my dad beat it. About the only thing I couldn't find was the Masamune. I also didnt know the Ninja was so powerful back when I played it... I usually chose Fighter, Red, White, and Black wizards.

Black belt was way more powerful than my Fighter, especially after the class change. If you put a weapon on him he is pathetlically weak, but now without his weapon he could kill that last boss (forgot his name, I think it's Doom or somthing) with a punch!

30.05.04 20:05
Post #140
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Quoted :: psymon

Did you not get afected by the annoyingness? The whole game is annoying.

Yes, the battle system is differant (I wouldn't say it was better, just differant)
and Yes, it was (Sorta) a good Idea with the job changing. but it just annoying my so much.

Yuna& Rikku: Golwwings.....
[]TheAbdBoy$1: Ohhhh......Shut up.

What do you mean by diffrent? That is the original battle system scince Final Fantasy IV and it took out that "line dancing" style. The Sphere Changes was just an addition to the battle. Also, without the "line dancing" the battles seemed mroe realistic (well, so did one Battle in FFX, just that one SpoilerSpoiler (Click to Expand)Spoiler ). The FFX-2 battle system was not turn based (which I think turn based is completely stupid IMO) and the battles were faster (...too fast actually, I had to look at the menu for the whole battle). Also in turn based, some silly things may come up such as this (someone showed this to me as an example)


Tidus attacks the monster
Monster: Er... It was my turn to attack
Tidus: Sorry, you can attack twice so it will be more fair

In real life, do you fight turn based? I don't think so. Imagine you fighting some drunk in downtown.


Drunk Attacks You
You attack the drunk
The drunk uses a potion
You: Hey! That was my turn, I'm faster than you and I'm allowed to attack twice in a row. Cheater

No, something like this will happen:

Quoted :: Rumble at school

The Asshole hit's Blake in the head with a skateboard, and Blake falls down. The Asshole starts kicking Blake. Blake rolls over and takes out his knife. The asshole runs away

That was a poor example, but notice how the asshole ran away. He ran away because once that knife touches him, he bleeds. Not like in FINAL FANTASY. If a sword hits the monster it takes damage and isn't cut. No blood or anything. If you take "damage" you don't see any diffrence on the physical appearence.

I have made my point. GG

30.05.04 20:21
Post #141
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

I think it's Doom or somthing) with a punch!

It was Chaos.
31.05.04 01:41
Post #142
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yeah, Chaos. I over exagerated that battle. It was 2 punches.

31.05.04 02:02
Post #143
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Quoted :: psymon

Did you not get afected by the annoyingness? The whole game is annoying.

Yes, the battle system is differant (I wouldn't say it was better, just differant)
and Yes, it was (Sorta) a good Idea with the job changing. but it just annoying my so much.

Yuna& Rikku: Golwwings.....
[]MrrLL$1: Ohhhh......Shut up.

What do you mean by diffrent? That is the original battle system scince Final Fantasy IV and it took out that "line dancing" style. The Sphere Changes was just an addition to the battle. Also, without the "line dancing" the battles seemed mroe realistic (well, so did one Battle in FFX, just that one SpoilerSpoiler (Click to Expand)Spoiler ). The FFX-2 battle system was not turn based (which I think turn based is completely stupid IMO) and the battles were faster (...too fast actually, I had to look at the menu for the whole battle). Also in turn based, some silly things may come up such as this (someone showed this to me as an example)


Tidus attacks the monster
Monster: Er... It was my turn to attack
Tidus: Sorry, you can attack twice so it will be more fair

In real life, do you fight turn based? I don't think so. Imagine you fighting some drunk in downtown.


Drunk Attacks You
You attack the drunk
The drunk uses a potion
You: Hey! That was my turn, I'm faster than you and I'm allowed to attack twice in a row. Cheater

No, something like this will happen:

Quoted :: Rumble at school

The Asshole hit's Blake in the head with a skateboard, and Blake falls down. The Asshole starts kicking Blake. Blake rolls over and takes out his knife. The asshole runs away

That was a poor example, but notice how the asshole ran away. He ran away because once that knife touches him, he bleeds. Not like in FINAL FANTASY. If a sword hits the monster it takes damage and isn't cut. No blood or anything. If you take "damage" you don't see any diffrence on the physical appearence.

I have made my point. GG

lmao. Amen.

Im surprised there isn't more then like, 10 votes for FF7, that was one of the best, ever..
31.05.04 02:56
Post #144
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Engiher (SP?) is a real time FF game. Havn't played it though.

Just wait for FFXII. That's got a compleatly differant battle system to it. The other to party members are AI controled.

31.05.04 10:16
Post #145
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wtf, thats gay, so you only control 1 character?

BTW anyone notice that the [user] bb coding changed in every quote? went from Psymon to Abdboy and then to MrrLL
31.05.04 15:50
Post #146
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Yes...It's cause your using \n
\n not

The battle system will be sorta real time so you try and control 3 people at once. But you can set AI modes to the other people aswell.

31.05.04 19:10
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Well, they're just jumping on the bandwagon with everyone else. Suikoden, Star Ocean, Grandia, Wild Arms, Dragon Warrior, etc all have AI for the party members.
31.05.04 21:11
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Quoted :: MrrLL

Im surprised there isn't more then like, 10 votes for FF7, that was one of the best, ever..

It's because of all the Final Fantasy n%bs here. They haven't played it yet.

31.05.04 21:59
Post #149
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Has anyone played cronicles? I might think about buying it if it's any good.
01.06.04 12:24
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