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Poll: Which One Do You Like The Most?
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Acrap spelr
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Quoted :: psymon

firstly, Mind the caps.

secondly, ff9 just has some referances to ff1 (EG rat tail @ action) But it is not a direct sequal.

All the FF games have referances to each other like the masamune and theres always a place or a person called "terra", And most FF's have a "Cid" It's just the way they are.

RPGs I have compleated:
That's about it.

dude i forgot 9 is a sequel to 2 because 1,2,and9 all have a direct link garland with da 4 fiends the 4 fiends with golbez and garland wit da 4 fiends again explain how in all those games you have to fight bahumaunt b4 he will even give you the tiniest sliver of info

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04.07.04 16:21
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Nope, now I DO know you know less about FF than I do (I was bluffing the first time :P). It wouldn't be 2 as it is, it would be 4, because the real Final Fantasy 2 was just released and had nothing to do with crystals. The Final Fantasy 2 you're referring to is Final Fantasy 4. THEY ARE NOT DIRECT SEQUELS DAMN YOU! THE ONLY DIRECT SEQUELS ARE FFX AND FFX-2. NOW STOP TRYING TO PROVE YOUR THEORY! You always have to fight Bahamut before he will help you in every single FF (with the exception being FF7). Garland is not the same Garland in FF 1, 4, and 9. They are not the same fiends in all the games. And the whole thing with the rat tail in FF9 is a joke (there are other items from other FF games).
And furthermore, start typing with correct grammar (ie: capatilize beginning words of sentences).
05.07.04 02:38
Post #197
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Acrap spelr
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then why is there a Kain's lance item

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05.07.04 05:09
Post #198
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/sigh. It's another of the other ff referances, And start using proper grammer before I ban ya from here, and bumping old threads. Can you not see the 20days warning message?

EDIT: Whups......Too late.

05.07.04 14:36
Post #199
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I don't care about the 20 days thing.....

Where do the people in FF7 go to when they walk into cloud? they just disapper

15.08.04 20:14
Post #200
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They go into Cloud's party silly, it's the same with every FF but 8, 10, and 10-2. But if you were *really* wanting to know, I don't think that answer's PG rated :P.
15.08.04 23:30
Post #201
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What do you guys think about the FF series? Are the New FF games that are coming out the best yet? Or should we be turing back to classics like FF7/8 and lower?

Myself, I don't know. I loved FFX to bits, Being that's it's the only FF game i've played to compleation. The latest one, FFX-2, Wasn't so good. It was badly rushed and left out half of FF games should have, a really good storyline (There wasn't one for the first 2 chapters), a mix of characters (Only 3 in this one) and a good soundtrack (ok....I couldn't think of anything better, but the soundtrack sucked in this one apart from the two real songs in it.)

Going back to the Ps1 era. This is where FFVII was crowned the best FF game ever by the mass internet comuinty. But were they in they're prime at this time? I dunno. FFVII was proberly the best on the Ps1, as it had the best storyline and varied gameplay. FFVIII was a really great game, I liked the GF system and the juctioning makes for loads of customiseation, But is it better than the newer, Ps2 generation, or the older, SNES age?(I won't really coment on FFIX as I havn't played this one. Too dungon and dragon looking.)

In the Nintendo age, this seam to be known as the classic age. But are these just old-hat? I havn't really dabbeled much into this age of Ff games, I dled all the roms and played them for a few minutes, but never got that far to coment on them. In this age they seamed to be testing out all the differant options they could make, with the Job system in FFV(I think) and other systems as well....

So, what era of FF games turned out to be top? The classic nintendo, the revolutionary Ps1, or the next generation Ps2 age?

17.08.04 20:43
Post #202
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The general consensus on the FF list from best to worst is:
FF 7
FF 6
FF 8
FF 4
FF 10
FF 9
FF 1
FF Tactics
FF 10-2
18.08.04 15:31
Post #203
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Were 2,3 and 5 that crap that they didn't even make it onto the list?

I havn't really played much of the old SNES FF games so I wouldn't know what they were like, were they anygood, or should I stick with FF7 for the time being as my FF game of the moment?

18.08.04 15:36
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2 was total crap, 3 was never released outside of Japan, and 5 just isn't there for some reason...
18.08.04 15:58
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2 was bullshit! The stats system sucked, and a wwhole bunch of stuff was bad about it.

3 was a ripoff of Final Fantasy (sorta, it's missing almost everything that Final Fantasy II had :P)

5 was not as intresting either. I didn't play that one for long. It's probablly the stupid job system. I had recently played FFIV and I like Rydia (the older one). I guess you'll all want a list of the FF girls I liked...

Here we go:
FF: White Magician
FF2: Maria
FF3: White Magician
FF4: Rydia
FF5: Reina
FF6: Relm (j/k!) Celes
FF7: Aeris
FF8: Riona
FF9: Dagger/Garnet
FF10: Rikku (I think you should know that by now)
FF11: Female Hume
FF10-2: Rikku (Bet ya didn't see that comin' :P)
FFT: Cookie (my archer)
FFTA: I suppose that girl. Ritz

CAn't think anymore.
I'm goin' to bed g'night.

20.08.04 06:11
Post #206
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Abd, is it just me, or do you obsess about game girls just a *bit* too much?
20.08.04 14:52
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I only said I prefered them. And I'm not as bad as some people.

Top Three FF Girls


20.08.04 15:23
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

hahah, i cant believe this is still going., and why isn't yuna in the top three girls?

An image!
20.08.04 18:28
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Actually, I'm surprised your list for top three didn't go like this:
Rikku (FF X-2)
Rikku (FF X)
20.08.04 19:20
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