
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheGeneralDiscussion » HarrY's strange audio issue

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All of a sudden, I am unable to play back audio CDs properly. The sound is incredibly distorted and also becomes out of time when playing back sound on an audio CD, using any play back software (Real player, winamp, WMP all provide me with distortion).

I reinstall of software does not help. Also a reinstall my sound card dirver does not help (Nvidia nforce).

I have been able to play back audio CDs before, but I think the last time I played my DVD-rom to play an audio CD was before my reformat.

I ripped an audio CD a long time ago and now when I try to play the same CD, the sound is completely different to what it used to be.

02.12.05 18:40
Post #1
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I have had such an issue too.
This time i think it might be the Audio Cable which connects the DVD/CD-Drive with your Soundcard. Check out weather it sits proper.
If you got that problem with MP3s too then it is not the Audio-Cable.
In that case tell me exactly what kind of components you have in your PC and what you added to it.
There might be a problem with new components, thats why i got my self a new Soundcard that replaces my onboard audio.

I hope i could help you a bit.
02.12.05 19:14
Post #2
Last edited: 02.12.05 19:17 (MC - 1 times) [Hide Sig (1)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I have no audio cable connecting my DVD drive to my sound card. My sound card is built in to the motherboard. It is connected to the motherboard using an IDE cable.

I can play everything else completely perfect, in full 5.1 surround with eax.

I am not interested in purchasing a soundcard to fix this problem as I do not have enough money for one as it will have to be in 5.1.

Edit: exact components:
Mother board: abit NF7 2.0
Chipset: Nvidia nforce
DVD drive: Don't actually know what it is but device manager says it's an IDE DVD-ROM x16

02.12.05 19:20
Post #3
Last edited: 02.12.05 19:23 (HarrY - 1 times) [Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]

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