
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheGeneralDiscussion » O MAN ZOGGER THIS HOST SUCKS!!!!!!

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Ok I'll name all the errors that happened in the last day when it changed to the new host.

1. First I go on for 5 minutes and the Forums all look BTPly and no custom forum looks.

2. 5 minutes after that when Dumazz tried to donate money that didnt work. So I clicked on the forum link and BTP wouldnt let anyone on.

3. finally it only worked for me. and no one else

4. then I try going on now to see how everything is working. And it doesnt let me on and right as im going to exit it says"An Error has happened and this user doesnt exist." So I try clicking on one of the links for view profile none of them work. They all say user doesnt exist.

5. and then the php thing then u gave me doesnt work now even with ur user stuff in it. man. crapped up host. i say go back. o ya and the host is slower.

Man if ur going to keep this host its going to be fucked up long. O ya and if all the accounts are erased i want my money and posts back. before it crashed i had 1304...i think but somewhere near that.
16.07.03 02:24
Post #1
[G]Quasi Qubit
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/blamethe/public_html/login.php on line 27

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/blamethe/public_html/login.php on line 33
login failed, please try again.

waaaa! waaaa! waaaa!
Am I deleted? or are things just screwed up?
16.07.03 03:10
Post #2
C1, you can't say this is the host's fault when you don't have access to all the info. heh. Moving server is difficult and a lot of problems may be related to me.

Anyway, it seems that the users table has disappeared, I can't actually tell cause I'm not at home at the mo, but when I get home, I'll take a look, damn school computer restrictions.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if the table is gone somehow, I still have the old one.

The fact that the forum templates don't work can only be my fault, that's in the coding and doesn't involve any interaction from the host

I don't know if you have the error about maximum execution time, I think the users table thing is slolwing it down alot, it takes 30 seconds for all the pages to load cause of it...
16.07.03 08:18
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Righty, that's all been fixed, and I also figured out why you couldn't access the db using your own info, the password has to be 8 characters, the one you gave me was 10 so it automatically chopped off the last 2.

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16.07.03 14:27
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yay i can log in!
16.07.03 18:23
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ya finally i do too. still tho i dont have a contents on the forum and i was so pissed off at zogger i made a forum today. much better then phpBB but ill use zoggers once he adds my contents again
17.07.03 01:04
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other than C1's contents missing, the only error I noticed so far today is that BTRedirects aren't working


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
17.07.03 08:07
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yeh, btredirects aren't working yet, I need to ask the host about nhow to get that bit working.

Anyway, C1, why get annoyed? Moving host is a difficult process, you've gotta accept that there will be some problems when it re-opens.

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17.07.03 11:15
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hmmm interesting the BRL standings don't show a '0' for the people who haven't played any games, not that that's important really :)

Oh I thought it was possible to redirect with simple html/javascript?


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
17.07.03 11:50
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yeh, the not showing a 0 thing is just that the values in the old database had a 0 but when I got a mysql dump it treated them as nothing, so didn't put a 0 in.
I think.

The redirect thing, yeh it is that simple, but this host seems to handle error pages differently to the old one, just gotta work out how to do it...

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17.07.03 13:35
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it uses the page 404.shtml so u just gotta write that so it uses a HTML Redirect to your error page. i think :?
17.07.03 19:55
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nope, not the problem :P. I can change the error page using the control panel, but it actually redirects to that page instead of keeping the location the same.

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18.07.03 12:34
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IIRC, there is a php variable that gets set called ERROR_LOCATION or something similiar, ill search the web for it now.



Configuring Apache
To tell Apache what to do on a 404 error, use the ErrorDocument directive:

ErrorDocument 404 /error-404.php

This tells Apache to serve up error-404.php in the document root directory when it encounters a 404 error. The ErrorDocument directive can go in Apache's httpd.conf file, but it also works in .htaccess files in individual directories. You can have a site-wide error-handling page or different error-handling pages for different parts of your site. Apache also sets some server variables that the error-handling page can access:


REDIRECT_URL: the URL-path that was not found. If a user asks for the nonexistent page, for example, this variable is set to /lunch/pastrami.html.

REDIRECT_STATUS: the HTTP response status resulting from the request for the original page. In our case, this is always "404". You can use ErrorDocument with other status codes, though, so if you have one error-handling page for multiple statuses, you can use this variable to determine which error status caused the error-handling page to be loaded.

REDIRECT_ERROR_NOTES: a brief description of what went wrong, for example, "File does not exist: /usr/local/apache/docroot/lunch/pastrami.html".

REDIRECT_REQUEST_METHOD: the method of the request for the original page, such as GET or POST.

If there is a query string in the original request, it is stored in REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING. The error page does not have access to the GET or POST variables via $_GET, $_POST, or $_REQUEST, but cookie variables are still available in $_COOKIE.

These REDIRECT variables are available in the PHP superglobal array $_SERVER: $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'], $_SERVER['REDIRECT_STATUS'], and so forth.
18.07.03 16:25
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hmm the ErrorDocument line is what I used in the .htaccess file before, but the problem is it seems to ignore the .htaccess error handling...

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18.07.03 16:44
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i need the contents to surf the site and btp. so its the main part. and the rest of this stuff is over my head lol
19.07.03 01:51
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