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Quoted :: VisioN
just screaming out of the bathroom window usually :)

I think you clicked the wrong smilie there buddy. You may have meant :x or :|, because that's not really something to be happy about...
11.07.04 20:28
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I find it funny tho, your mums got her head out the bathroom window screaming her head off, my dad is trying to get her to shutup, and me and my sister are just laughing our heads of :)
12.07.04 06:38
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VisioN, that is so funny to picture... I was up north with my freind, and my freind's dad was so drunk he tried to close the trailor door and he missed the handle. He looks as if he were in a standing position and he had his hand as if we was holding the handle... Note that he was slowly falling back while he was in this position.

12.07.04 09:56
Post #18
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haha, yah most people are pretty funny when their drunk
12.07.04 12:35
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Quoted :: Duke

VisioN, that is so funny to picture... I was up north with my freind, and my freind's dad was so drunk he tried to close the trailor door and he missed the handle. He looks as if he were in a standing position and he had his hand as if we was holding the handle... Note that he was slowly falling back while he was in this position.

Thats so obviously a scene from only fools and horses

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
12.07.04 15:05
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Seeing that happen to a fat hairy man... Much funnier!

12.07.04 15:20
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[G]dj canada
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Booze affects everyone differntly....

it affects me in a wierd way... very hard to explain...

my motor functions are not as bad as most others would be, I tend to talk more, which is wierd because half the time I can be a very quiet indivdual, but its never anything stupid (unless I am complaining to a bunch of strangers on BTP about my user rating, sorry about that night guys). I don't stumble around but I may still do stupid things (I once attempted 3 flips in a row ((not a tripple flip but 3 flips, one after another)) on a trampoline in complet darkness, on the 3rd and final flip I landed kinda funny, I did not realize till next morning but I slightly sprained my thumb). My speech is understandable to others... But no matter what, I never become agressive... its just not me to become angry.

I know I drink alot... I am a prematurly born baby of 3 months, I never take care of my body, and I am a DIABETIC....
I know I should quit drinking... and smoking even... I'll be lucky if I live to the age of 30, and im 21 now.

I drink becuase it takes my mind off this horrid reality we call earth... (notice I said EARTH and not LIFE. If I said LIFE it would mean I wish to kill myself right now)

i rather die early in life than go insane... dont ask me why. Too complex to explain my life story. Boooze helps me cope... is an alternative reality all that bad?

There is 3 kinds of drunks:
1. The Agressive Drunk
2. The Intellectual Drunk (the quiet person who has ALOT to say)
3. The, "Im not really drunk untill i pass out or throw up" drunk

Im between 2 and 3

Oh and sorry about your stepdad man. But mind you as drunk as he was, is he still skilled in the computer world? He may of not known what he was doing, drunk or not... but from your story, I would assume he was just being a stupid fool.
19.07.04 03:15
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I'm 3 :P I'd actually think there's more stages however. You start out in some ways, and end in other ways. If someone could maybe find the stages, that would be helpful. I kinda gotta get off soon, so I can't really find them.
19.07.04 04:52
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[G]dj canada
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One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila, FLOOR!

19.07.04 20:27
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

lol thats a good one, my dad was quite bad before, but he's cutting down on the booze, ut i'm trying to get him to give up smoking because he gets really bad smoker's cough....:(

An image!
20.07.04 12:57
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... i pity da foo ... cos da fool pitys me ...

beer is bad just watch this movie and see what it does to ya!


xWaRPiGx's Maps!
20.07.04 21:31
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I was at a party the other night, and I don't know anyone who likes to drink quite like me, so I was drinking mine and everyone else's beers while someone was fetching me more. I puked once, it wasn't horrible. Went back for more, had a few cigarettes, and good times were had.

Just because something's dangerous doesn't mean you can't have fun. Live a little.
20.07.04 23:47
Post #27
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[G]dj canada
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Booze is only good if your around other poeple that are drunk, but if your around sober poeple, you come off as an idiot and an ass.

And I wish i could stop smoking too... :(
21.07.04 01:53
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