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[G]dj canada
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i had a buncha of nice long replays to forums i wanted to post, but since i was a 5 rate, i had to wait 9 minutes before each next post, so i waited with 3 windows up to post some GOOOD fucken replys.... so i click POST every 10 minutes and what did i get on each one.... "you may not post for another 29 minutes" some how my ratting droped 2 points in 9 minutes......

this is crap....
i lost all the shit i wrote becuase my ratting droped 2 points.... in 10 minutes.....

that really bugs me

i would be better off making a NEW user name.... but i wont.

still, however... i think the only one to of droped my ratting from 10 was "Soniccrazy"... i had a bit of a argument with him today and before i left for work i donated ghm 50 fake moneys and told him to give me a ratting of -2.... i get back from work im up at 5.... i dont know who gave me the +2 ratting but im assuming it musta been him....

sonicrazy seems to be the only one giving me the minus rattings, and he has admit that he gave me a minus ratting becuase i said 'GO FLAMES GO' in the "shoutmeup", yet i got 2 points back while i was at work.... and while i was currently browsing the forums i lost 2.... which fucked up my nice posts. it coulnt of been him who gave me the -2 while i had pre written posts done up becuase it said he wasnt on yet still...

something is fucked up around here....

i had no idea that poeple could change my user ratting untill i had a slight argument with soniccrazy in differnt areas of BTP, but to change someones ratting for something as stupid as cheering for a hockey team close to home....

i may of started threads the other night concerning already posted theads, but thats NO reason to drop someones ratting either.... im new, im stupid, im un-aware... i was drunk i was bored... i randomly donated money to popele... i donated '1pound' to bloopy even, just becuase i liked his maps and i got a nice 0.01 back ;);) ;). its not real money... of course im going to fuck around with it... i go to the casino all the time and play roulet and blackhack... fuck i could go 4 hours on 20$ canadian... its better than going to a movie and spending 10% on a ticket and then another 10$ on food

all i want to do is post in threads whenever i can, without being an ass and remaking a user name and password.

i got all i could think of possibly for thread starters out of my system and from now on ill only post and reply to good shit

but to be randomly have a -2 ratting out of the blue... VERY uncool.... its fucked with me badly....

... and you must ask, yes i am drunk... i work 5 days a week and hardly ever get 2 days off in a row, and i work late on the days BEFORE i get a day off.... i honestly get screwed for free time... so being the loser that i am, i come here and i play W:A online.... when im bored of playing with the shitty ropers i come here and have at it with whatever i can do (randomly donate or whatever), so if im to suffer lossing rattings becuase of 10 or less words then just bann me from the site for crying out loud.

im fucken hammered right now becuase i can be....
but if im made to suffer for poeple being assholes for reasons of "THEY JUST CAN" then whats the point of even trying to have fun on an interactive website like this one?

i admit spam and nonesense are bullshit... but so far what ive gone thur is just nonesense......

instead of a simple explaination that i was reviving old threads i get 3 or 4 poeple that seem to poeple yelling at me..............

since im drunk i feel i could go on FOREVER.... but ill shut my big mouth now......

"""HULK MAD GRRRRRR"""" *rips off shirt*
06.06.04 05:44
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I skimmed that.


Thank you

06.06.04 05:54
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I rated you up 2 (which meant from my previous -1 vote, actually meant u gained 3). Try to use full stops, don't jabber on and play nice.

Learn to look, look to learn.
06.06.04 06:54
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he isnt getting on peoples nervs, people like you just seem to think that it's ok 2 reject new comers.

06.06.04 16:48
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Yeah, i rated him up too. He doesn't seem to be that annoying atm. And it sucks not being able to post for so long. And he's a Canadian. Heh.
06.06.04 17:21
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Quoted :: C1

And he's a Canadian. Heh.

so what?
do u treate all people the same are give gold 2 people from the same land?

06.06.04 18:02
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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No I don't actually. I just wanted to give more reasons why to rate him. That's why i laughed when I said it. It was a funny reason why to rate.
06.06.04 18:13
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I rated him up too, now he has a rating of ten, like me. Glad to help:P
06.06.04 18:52
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[G]dj canada
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i was up to 13 but while i was at work i droped 3 points.....

i think only the dark blue torso member should be alowed to rate poeple.... or at very least the "social + user" rating...

humans by nature are mean to poeple they personly dont know... so first thing they are going to do is find anything to hate them and do whatever they can to use it to their advantage....

all thats gonna happen is poeple will keep droping my ratting no matter what i say or do, i just found out yesterday that i could rate poeple... but im not going to rate anyone unless i got good good reason, they post a great color map that gets alot of downloads in a short amount of time and i like the map too, ill rate them for it... i get into a heated argument with someone and disagree with them i WONT rate them down, but i will rate them down if they literaly spam nonesense, reviving old threads, i wont rate them down for that.... as long as its not a COMMONLY asked question... im sure when i revived a few thread that i didnt know existed, my wordings and questions where not the same as the previuos threads

you know im just not going to rate anyone period, not being able to post for 9-29 minutes.... is quite anoying... poeple like sonicrazy who rate poeple down for saying "Go flames Go" which has NOTHING TO DO WITH WORMS.... thoes poeple are just being fu cking jackasses

as for donations of fake money, if someone donates to you for some random reason.... ignor it and move on..... its fake money and all it can be used for is lotery and buying a house... you really thing giving someone a few fake moneys says anything...

like fuck grow up... i donated to poeple cuase i was bored.... i bet the money idea was put on here FOR POEPLE who are bored

case in point, id like to stay in the 10 area of rattings so i may post threads freely... and if someone else has a dickhole minusing your rating everyday, ill try tohelp you too to stay around the 10 area, within reason mind you, but im telling you this, i refuse to rate anyone down for anyreason unless they spam spam spam in anyway

happy foruming poeple!

07.06.04 05:32
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Actually, the blue can rate you down/up more than anyone else, it seems. They're the real threat for spammers, cause from what i see they can change your rating by 2 points, instead of 1 we normal greenies can
07.06.04 10:26
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it's actually just people with high ratings, the theory being - the more liked you are, the more power you have in the ratings.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
07.06.04 11:12
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Indeed. But ph33r us anyway!


BLue is just like being a senior at any other forums. No biggie.

Ratings ebb and flow anyway. People rate you up and peopel rate you down, its only that notciabale when the time comes where everyone can vote again. Then these type of threads appear.

I personally would like to see some sort of pm request, whereas when you rate sum1 up or down, they can enter a reason, and that is sent to the person anonamously. ( bad spelling )

that would allow people to react accordingly AND there would have to be a genuine reason to affect someones posting ability.
07.06.04 12:59
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That's a good idea. Then we would get rid of these threads.
07.06.04 14:13
Post #13
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[G]dj canada
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the wheels are in motion?
07.06.04 22:53
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It depends on whether an admin is willing to try coding it. It would probably be pretty easy to do, but the only person that I actually see doing it is ReadMe.
08.06.04 16:01
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