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After finding out about the Jetpack 2 bungee trick, I wanted to find more out. Hell, I built a whole game about it, taht speaks for stiself. any wayz, Heres some stuff I'm talkin about, and get abck to me with anything else ya found...

Jet Pack to Bungee-Get hih high enuff on the jetpack to take Fall Damage. Have bungee redy...Quickly turn n quickly press space ( yes space) and u will go into bungee mode isntantly. This trick will not work if yer too close to the ground. Basically a corner stone of Survival in Bungee Pro.

Kill Yourself with a Girder-This one's trickey...Ok, have the blowtorch out, and be redy to cylce to girder quickly.Turn on anti gravity and do a back flip. Cycle to Girder imediatley and place it were u think the worms haed will about be were it lands. If u did it correctly, the girder will dsappear and the worm will land, wearing a hardhat, though still being able to move. Now without moving, press space and the girder should apear! If u did it rite, your worm will simply fall off the screen.I will sink through the ground and drown. Pointless, but fun!

Walk on the cieling border-Put on the Full Wormage scheme, and make sure teh map is a cavern with no walls. Walk one of your worms right up to the edge. Pretty much as far as he can go without falling of the side of the earth. Next, walk another worm up to the worm on the edge. Walk on top of him and get out the jetpack. The further you are standing on the worms head the better. Now jet pack strait up, and turn to the side were u'd be going onto the border. If u did it right, u can deactivate your jetpack, and you'll be standing on the border cieling! Your not invincable from attack however, and you can still be knocked off to your death.

If ya got anymore funky tricks/glithces for WWP, post em here! Thanks!
28.06.03 07:21
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I discovered a neet trick in WWP. I found a way to release up to 100 - 200 super sheep at one time, and fly them around the level simintaniously. And yes I was the first person to find this glitch. I know this because I've never seen it before until I did, nobody else that I showed it to ever saw it, and taking into account the difficulty and conditions required to do it, I'm quite confident that I was the first person to ever do it. I accedently did this trick while warming on one of my missions. However it is very difficult to do, and takes a bit of practice.

To do it the following conditions must be met (Weapons don't end turn must be on) (You must have infinite drills, infinite super sheep, and infinite ropes)

Other things that make the trick easier to do and make it work better are (Loss of control does not end turn) (infinite low gravity)

Ok, these are the steps to doing the trick, read them carefully because it can be quite difficult to do, especially for your first time.

1: Select your rope, and shoot it at a piece of land (preferably near the bottom of the terrain)
2: Select your drill.
3: Take a powerful swing on the rope against the terrain, and quickly press enter. This should send you flying in mid-air while using the drill.
4: Press the space bar to disactivate the drill, and use F5 to select the super sheep.
5: As you fly in midair, press and hold down the space bar, and a rainbow of super sheep should be realeased.

Note: If you bump into any piece of the landscape or walls while flying in mid-air, the trick will not work.

If you are successful in doing the trick let me know, it takes most people about 10 minutes to get it right after I show them and explain how to do it. I'm not sure how successful people will be without a demonstration. Also the trick will work with moles too instead of super sheep.

You need a certain type of mission to do it. You can download one of mine at [ ]if the link doesn't work, just copy and paste it into your browser.
29.06.03 04:00
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wow cool tricks...should have got WWP but too much memory and stuff like that. Sounds cool tho. U should take a picture of it using hypersnap
29.06.03 11:13
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Has a huge amount of Tricks for W:A and WWP

Tricks that I have found.

One Trick i have found, In Shoppa Maps they Normally very Thin floors, and if you get a Bazooka Aim it striaght down and full power the Bazookas Normally go Straight Through and into the water. Its funny.

Sheep can sometimes get through a Pixel Ceiling if it is only a pixel and they are going straight up. Very cool.

There is 3 specail Numbers in Scheme Works 71, 6, or in Scheme Editor its 70, and 5. The 5 or 6 Power makes most weapons Completely harmless, making them disapear into thin air, Shotguns are the Best on 5/6 as they do no power but when used on Wormnet make worms fly into the air, very funny. 70/71 power makes Weapons the most powerful they can be but sadly closes the games online after 2 goes from using the weapon. :( . Anyways Check this shit out, its cool.

Chuting Skills, Weapons that can ride on top of your head while chuting (These Are the Best for it) Cows, Dynamite, Mines, Sally, any other weapon that you can catch on your head if you gots the speed of me :D.

Now I have only managed this trick once so it might be pure luck and never happen again, Chute then drop a Super Sheep and make it fly Horzontally below you, then fall onto it and you ride it for aslong as it is vertical, Funniest trick ever, but I doubt it can be done again, Ive tried.

65 Damage with Clusters, This is a Trick I learnt from my friend Bytor, Walk up to a worm and if hes at a slant walk very close to him and press Backspace once, if he goes into the Air, walk in with him, so you are at the same place as him when he comes down, drop a Cluster straight down, all the clusters hit the worm and cause Max Damage :D go there!


An image!
30.06.03 22:22
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Quoted :: Lyndon

Now I have only managed this trick once so it might be pure luck and never happen again, Chute then drop a Super Sheep and make it fly Horzontally below you, then fall onto it and you ride it for aslong as it is vertical, Funniest trick ever, but I doubt it can be done again, Ive tried.

heh, sounds like some cowboy movie with horses.

You know I'm a dancing machine
30.06.03 22:30
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(also in wa) Sometimes when using an uzi against a worm who has cover that's just thin enough for the uzi to penetrate, the worm will go flying but he will not recieve any damage. Especially evident in the wa mission Chemical Warfare against the second hidden worm.
30.06.03 23:15
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01.07.03 08:46
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01.07.03 08:47
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yeh , didn't put the quick reply in there for you to actually reply with the word quickness.

You know I'm a dancing machine
01.07.03 22:28
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o ya ive had most of those glitches happen in worm armageddon. The zook i was just trying to kill myself in shopper and bam! it went through but when i have about a cm thick floor is wont work. lol and the sheep pixel fly thing happens on thin walls to.
02.07.03 01:03
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Quoted :: Some Random Whore

yeh , didn't put the quick reply in there for you to actually reply with the word quickness.
Zogster thats genious, very funny :D whats the deal wit the new ( 0 ) beside hide sigs?
02.07.03 02:15
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it's the number of times that person's sig has been hidden. second person to ask. lol.

You know I'm a dancing machine
02.07.03 02:18
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awwww, i never win :(
02.07.03 02:20
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wat! who the fuck is hiding my sig! basterd!
03.07.03 03:21
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DIE! i wanna know who kill them! burn BTP! BURN THEM ALIVE! DIE!
03.07.03 03:21
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