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why do threads allways end up going oftopic here?
why cant we just keep the topic going until the conversation is over?...there is 2 much oftopicness here!

19.05.04 18:46
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[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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It's only natural for things to go offtopic. Use your common sence. Things branch out from one subject to the next.
19.05.04 19:06
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How can i make a bet this topic will go offtopic too. It just depends what's on the person's mind when they post.
19.05.04 19:36
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yeah but, they should still try 2 keep it on topic,
or atleaste make sre that what they have 2 say is relevent 2 the topic

19.05.04 19:58
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Last edited: 19.05.04 19:59 (HarrY - 1 times) [Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Usually when it goes offtopic, the actually topic is over and the thread would go dead otherwise. Tho sumtimes it just goes offtopic for no reason. :P
19.05.04 20:08
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It's jsut a forum fact, most topics will go offtopic unless the topic has something interesting to be discussed. Or is a quiz.

Anyone seen: ?

Learn to look, look to learn.
19.05.04 20:12
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It's like when you talk with someone real, You start off talking about one thing, then Something that you say makes you talk about something else.

19.05.04 20:14
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^What he said, somebody always has to chime in with a story of how they did whatever the last person was talking about, or how their uncle did. Then the next person talks about their dying uncle or some other crap that absolutely nobody cares about, and then it goes on to cancer, and then you have a post where somebody notices it's offtopic now, and then somebody else starts talking about a thread that they started that got goes on really, we're all human here, and some of us are humans that just don't know how to shut up.
19.05.04 20:39
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Someone talks about something a bit unrelated, then someone talks about something quite unrelated, then someone talks about something very unrelated. Some of the off topic discussions are good but some to me seem quite spammy.

19.05.04 21:04
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heh, i guess it is meaning of life, no w8, what is the point of living life if u know the meaning of life?

19.05.04 21:32
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Threads usually don't go off topic at Team17 forums because someone will point out that it's offtopic. Threads usually don't go off topic at Cl2k forums either...

;) BlameThePixel must be very special, our threads are more like friendly chats as psymon says! But maybe you spammers don't have any real topics to talk about :P


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
19.05.04 22:33
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Why we all go off topic:
The "bluies" are proud that they have made 1000 posts, so they feel like being more special by making more posts, and the only way they can do that is by changing the topic to somthing that they know about completely, that way they can make more posts.

Then the green guys want to be like the "bluies" so they also use the same stratagy, change the topic they can post about the most.

19.05.04 22:44
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Thats why threads should be locked after the discussion is finished, unless you just want people to spam.
20.05.04 01:03
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Tell that to Readme.
And Abdboy, your the one who made Slap The User, so i'd stfu. You've caused more spam here than all of us combined.
20.05.04 02:06
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Spam that you participated in as well C1 (and so did I, but I quit that a while ago).

*desperate attempt to throw this thread offtopic and prove a theory :P*
So, what did you do this evening?
20.05.04 02:26
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