
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheGeneralDiscussion » When someone steals your name...

Poll: Do I hunt him down and kill him?
Do I forgive on the condition he changes his name? 2 users
Do I grow up and accept it's just a game? *Gasp* 2 users
Do I perform the ancient Scottish Ninja technique, Kikakuken? (Headbutt) 9 users
Do I pretend I'm above it. 0 users
Do I accept it as flattery. *Spew* 0 users
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...on Wormnet, wtf do you do about it?

I've turned down two clans in the past, wanting to remain an independant.
I go online and some guy joins my fly-shopper.

"Hi Turtle!"

Erm, hi?

Do I know you?

"Ha ha ha, why don't you have the URC in your name?" He says.


"You're in URC!" He persists.

No I phuckin' ain't! I reply getting a bit irrate.

It seems some punk has joined a clan, poached my handle and claims to be the author of my maps!

*Turtle Growls*

I got an e-mail from a Wormnet friend who had also been taken in...

...for about a second...

...'til she realised it was an imposter!

So what the freakin' hell do I do about this poor replica of the entity that is I?
09.05.03 19:02
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well it's hard to say... if that person hasn't been using that nick longer than you, then they should accept that it would cause confusion to have the same name as you, and change it to something similar, but its difficult to prove you've had it longer, so it could work just to accept it. heh.

You know I'm a dancing machine
09.05.03 21:58
Post #2
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hehe... a bit like me and thorask... it gets a bit confusing... but... he stole ur name not deform it a bit then use it...
09.05.03 23:46
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well Turtle as the maker of the Turtle maps you are more famous :D if you see us on wormnet just say hello and then otherwise we'll know it's the impostor and give them a hard time


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
10.05.03 21:10
Post #4
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yea, if anyone asks you what the password is, say "cabbage". then we'll know its the real turtle.
or just do what bloopy said......
10.05.03 21:31
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stop looking at me!
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You can reserve your tournament the site!
Please name the scheme of your tourney, the date for it to occur and the duration of the tourney

you're not the only one =)
well, I have problems with this differently, tho
and not lately anymore either
there was somebody in WWP that named himself DarkOne as well
so then everybody in WA that also played WWP went: you're a fake!
for the record: I've had this name since W2 (even before that)
personally, I don't care if he takes credit for making those maps that I made, but I'm guessing he doesn't

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PM me if you want a graph like this for your sig :)
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11.05.03 00:09
Post #6
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I met him, xURCxTurtle, played him & kicked his ass!

Apparently I've played him before? But I have no memory of it, bizarre, anyway he's decent enough & he's gonna change his name.

Expect to see a xURCxTortoise or xURCxTerrapin anytime soon, lol.

11.05.03 07:10
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someone went on wn once as me and told ppz members they had been booted and yelled at them and stuff. that really upset me.
12.05.03 06:04
Post #8
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however no one would ever try to take credit for my maps.. :|
12.05.03 06:08
Post #9
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lol, i dont have any maps that anyone would want to steal...
13.05.03 00:57
Post #10
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[G]lord dez
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It's all the pixel's fault.
14.05.03 01:32
Post #11
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Anne's enourmous sig annoys me.

Now that I've said that... just wait for Team17 to come out with the final patch and for ranks and username registration to come back. If you don't fancy waiting another 3000 years you should confront this imposter, or at least make known, like you're doing now.. that there is an imposter.
19.05.03 20:21
Post #12
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say it with me everyone....

^_^ fuck you ^_^
20.05.03 06:29
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fuck you

20.05.03 06:43
Post #14
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fuck you!

Learn to look, look to learn.
20.05.03 21:14
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