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Not got around to making the menu for it yet, but those are the pages for it.

It primarily designed for Moz/Opera users since it uses some cool CSS for the forms n stuff (look Ma - no tables) but it is still completely usable in IE, moz and OP will have the expandable menu as well and all those links above are on there.

So erm, tada,

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
18.01.04 23:08
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excellent. I tested it out and looks good. I tested it out and seems to work well.
19.01.04 02:56
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I imagine this would be 1-loss-out (or whatever that's called)? I haven't tested it cuz I haven't registered with ReadMe's site. I was wondering about 2-loss-out tournies, if that was possible or if you could code for it (even though I don't even know how that work).

I don't think that is going to do much good if all the players have to get special priveledges just to 'play'. I'm guessing all you need to do is change the access levels to certain pages.
19.01.04 03:00
Post #3
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yeah, its nicec, but would it be possible to have a list of name entry boxes of a certain number you chose, i.e. if there are 64 ppl, it has 64 name boxes all on the same screen rather than having to sign up everyone separately 8O
19.01.04 16:15
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you can sign up everyone at once if that's wat ur saying meiapaul. He has sum option for that because i tried it out to add billy jean to the tourney. It's called build form. But how do u submit you scores? I couldnt find that. heh. The one main thing for a tourney and i can seem to find it :twisted:
19.01.04 21:43
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It's for a knockout tourney, you only need member+ status to host a tourney, anyone can join.

Go onto the admin page and clikc build form then you can enter as many players are you want at once - easy stuff.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
19.01.04 22:39
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It's not working for me right now at all

The url changes (get a lot of shit appended to it) and then it says "Page cannot be displayed" on every one of those links.
19.01.04 23:39
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ahha. That happened to me. Just block all cookies and u'll go to his site. Then when ur at his site go to accept cookies again and resign in. His remember me thing doesnt work.
20.01.04 04:04
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