
BTForum » Other Stuff » BlameTheSuggestions » On Friday might be the end of Blame The pixel (could be not saying it will be)

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[]The Pope
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stupid post(wo)men strike. I'm seriously effected being in Oxford.

Learn to look, look to learn.
31.10.03 17:39
Post #16
Last edited: 31.10.03 17:39 (The Pope - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
Butt Cheek
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politacally correct my butt! postmen is fine lol. and that sucks4u. although im in no better condition livinging in the US.

02.11.03 01:14
Post #17
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Postal strike annoying.Want Worms3D.Want Worms3D.Want Worms3D.Want Worms3D.Want Worms3D.Want Worms3D.Want Worms3D.Want Worms3D.Want Worms3D.Want Worms3D.Want Worms3D.Want Worms3D.Want Worms3D.Want Worms3D.Want Worms3D.Want Worms3D.Want Worms3D.Want Worms3D.Want Worms3D.Want Worms3D.
02.11.03 20:19
Post #18
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spammers annoying. i want no noobs i want no noobs i want no noobs and so on...
02.11.03 21:42
Post #19
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[]The Pope
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postal strike over! lets hope postmn learn to control their urge for more money. Also, the stop of the strike means my m8 gets it. Which in return means i get it when i go round his house and switch it with a pop CD from my sisters room. I done that before with his warcraft3 CD and he got sooooo pissed lol

Learn to look, look to learn.
03.11.03 19:26
Post #20
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thats fucked up

so did the postmen win or what? did they get their asses chewed [up and spit out]? or did they get da moola?
03.11.03 21:34
Post #21
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Butt Cheek
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i dont think strikes actually ever work. all these strikes in history happen where the workers are actually fighting with the private army that the employer has hired (forget what its called) and people are dieing and stuff. and they never ever win. seems like they would just give up. lol i hope that the postal strikers lost 'cause if they didnt it would completely disprove my point.

03.11.03 21:59
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erm, ppl dont die in strike, they just dont work, these were unoffical walkouts so they cud've all been fired. they got a slight pay increase, but it's same as they'dve got w/o strike i heard

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
03.11.03 22:39
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im talking industrial revolution ages not now.
back in the day it could be like war where workers would take over the entire factory town thingy. im surea bout his i took US history last year.

o wait! you're British. dash it all ;) maybe you didnt have strikes like these in that time period? (actually a little b4 that time period because we stole the revolution from u guys so we advanced later.)

04.11.03 01:49
Post #24
Last edited: 04.11.03 01:50 (OPTiSSiMUS - 1 times) [Dont go here] [Hide Sig (3)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Well there were strikes in america in the thirties that people died in, I believe, before workers rights were fully in-effect.

There was definately something (not a strike) about war veterans who wanted their money early, there were ppl that died there...

still not got any post at-all today... :(

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04.11.03 16:37
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