
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms 3D Discussion » Worms 3D, Bad???

Poll: How do you think that W3D will be?
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hmm well looks like they've released the official demo now. The link is on the worms 3d website. v sloow tho.

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19.09.03 15:28
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yep, all the ppl visiting the site

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19.09.03 15:46
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damn them and their non supporting athlon crap!
20.09.03 17:04
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they've already fixed the Athlon bug, the demo was leaked too early and so they rushed the offical one, otherwise you would have a demo that works for all Athlons :)


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I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
20.09.03 17:19
Post #64
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note to sell dont show to that many companies..or thats wat t17s thinking
20.09.03 18:09
Post #65
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I just want to announce that:

i just dont like w3d coz its not worms anymore.
Worms is 2d. not 3d

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19.09.06 07:36
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What are you, 10 years old? Do't you know how much better WWP is to W3D?

Spyro rocks. Origanal and Hero Eras. Both of them are awsome.

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16.01.09 17:49
Post #67
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Strange enough, as I searched for screenshots on Google, I found no screenshot with anything like cave in it. I can't either take screenies myself, I only have PS2 version. But I can honestly say: There is caves!

I must ask one thing still:
You mean just caves, small holes to hide in, like one carved by something like 5 bazooka hits in same place, or the cave-mode from WA and WWP, that means the whole level is in a cave? there is the small hiding caves (why not large ones too...), you can even use weapons to create ones. But no, there is no level-in-a-cave mode.

If you really meant small caves, then, do you think W3D uses heightmap levels? W3d does NOT use heightmaps at all, levels are made of 100% destructible poxels (they are 3D blocks. For example, worm is aprox 1 poxel wide and 3 high. But just aprox.). So, the level is formed of thousand small blocks of ground. To make levels vary more, poxels can be given custom texture, their size and curvature can be edited to greate anything. Even balls. And caves.

I personally hate the fact that W3D ruined the art of roping. There is still rope, but it's stiffy and slow. It didn't come back any better in W4M. The jetpak, most useless utility in WAand WWP became the best utility. Still, I think W3D was a great succes for T17. I like it a lot. It even has better maps (IMO) than W4M. At least W3D's random engine makes better levels, as W4M's engine makes a heightmap island and then puts a building or two on it. Voila. Boohoo. But W3D takes block, shapes it a random island and places it somewhere. Even in air. Adds few more islands, then a little scenery on top of it... Few bridges here and there... It's lot better than W4M's random levels.

You shud really try W3D and W4M out somewhere. They are really worth buying. I don't know is 2D or 3D better. I choose the game dependant on my feelings. If I want strategig tunnel diggin', I go to 2D, but if a fast and funky shooting is wanted, 3D is the choice. Try them out and choose ur game. Choice is yours. Whoa. Long post (not very long, still). Can't stop writing...!

PS: edit: I hate the fact I didn't see it had 5 pages of messages... SRY! this message is to the last one on page 1... DARNED! It's not stil at all pointless. Read it!

26.02.09 13:35
Post #68
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Can we close this thread please? It's 3 years old!


01.03.09 20:54
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