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Looking For Status Send PM Posts: 3954
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caves are possilbe in w3d, as are buildings that you can go inside etc. - I believe.
You know I'm a dancing machine |
16.09.03 21:19 Post #16 | Last edited: 16.09.03 21:19 (ZoGgEr! - 1 times) |
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Statusless Send PM Posts: 1081
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that would be sweet ass if people converted GTA:VC shit... albeit impossible, though, i'd imagine.
16.09.03 21:20 Post #17 | [Hide Sig (1)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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ya nice! worms in Vice City! that would be crazy! nana in the mall! run
16.09.03 21:22 Post #18 | [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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heh, the editor just has this poxel stuff. You can't convert models and stuff from maya etc. unfortunately. It's been discussed in detail tho and it will be possible to do pretty good stuff - I hope. They made all their levels using the same software, so they say.
You know I'm a dancing machine |
16.09.03 21:25 Post #19 | [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Lazy, Busy, Fizzy, Crazy Send PM
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Also there are ropes, ropes will be like swinging across on a vine, no reattach to the next rope. Worms1 never had reattach but it was a brilliant game too, ropes are not everything. When you wanna rope you play WA, cuz... well they're not making the new game for you C1
All this blabber about messed graphics is nonsense... the graphics will be great of course  Map editor will be easy and there will be other custom things too, surely graves or flags or something.
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels? |
16.09.03 21:30 Post #20 | [Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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hrm. will they release which software that is, and will the encoding be released to the public, so someone can make a plugin to save in the format (or will that be released as well)?
16.09.03 21:31 Post #21 | [Hide Sig (1)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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i know ropes arent everything but u need some way to travel lots...but if theres all that u say zogger and bloopy then its good...if not u shall burn in a lake of fire and sulphur
16.09.03 21:32 Post #22 | [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Looking For Status Send PM Posts: 3954
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you mean the map editor? yeh, it comes with the game. The level encoding. No, I don't think that'll be released, the same way it wasn't released for W:A or WWP. I would imagine it's a lot more complicated now tho and to be honest the file format will be pretty much useless, there's a very long and detailed thread about this on the team17 forum. I'll just go find the link... k. I would find the link if the internet weren't going so sloowly
You know I'm a dancing machine |
16.09.03 21:38 Post #23 | [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Butt Cheek Send PM
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Hey... who can imagine a 3d RR... wow i dream about it. (im not crazy i no that would b imposible) but just think about it! ! ! !
17.09.03 03:22 Post #24 | [Dont go here] [Hide Sig (3)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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man i read that thing about why you cant convert polygon > poxels.
Very interesting and detailed.
Basicly Spadge n the team17 crew beat the pants off someone supposing that a polygon > poxelconverter is feasable. They admit its possible, but not feasable because it's have to do many calculations and comparations per second - and by many i mean on the scale of every object a human can recognise per second.
Cool thread but unfortunate result.
17.09.03 04:07 Post #25 | [Hide Sig (3)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Statusless Send PM Posts: 1081
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it would only take so much processing to convert when it is converted, it shouldn't then after take any longer to work with than the other native formats for worms.
17.09.03 04:11 Post #26 | [Hide Sig (1)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Wooden Hat Send PM Posts: 140
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| Look who's back!
Get ready for some spam (or not)!
Tell me if this doesn't look fun!
17.09.03 06:53 Post #27 | [Softbrain Software] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
The Pope
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it does look fun but maybe a bit cluttered.
Learn to look, look to learn. |
17.09.03 14:15 Post #28 | [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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| ________________
You know I'm a dancing machine |
17.09.03 14:39 Post #29 | [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Looking For Status Send PM Posts: 16
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i think worm3d will be cool but i would prefer if they still made 2d worms game also so  both no no im sry plz dont give me a tax i waz kidding
Meet The Fuzz |
17.09.03 15:58 Post #30 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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