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What is a poxel?
17.09.03 16:10
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its the new thing Team17 invented to create blow-up-able cave bits and land.

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17.09.03 16:11
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A polygon that can be removed?
17.09.03 16:14
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yeah, and it has many polygons in a single poxel so its very editable using weapons a.k.a blowing land up

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17.09.03 16:15
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So W3D is using both polygons and poxels..? Those are not comparable to each other..?
17.09.03 16:18
Post #35
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no, its like the poxels have polygons and when u blast a poxel it will deform acording to other attributes. They aren't polygons, it just helps to explain it like that. Its a new technology they made.

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17.09.03 16:29
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Aha, I see. There are many discussions about poxels at the W3D forum, but I didn't get it before now...
17.09.03 16:30
Post #37
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ok. lol i turn all that jargon full of crap into one simple explanation.

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17.09.03 16:32
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voila off topic!

heehee im back and bigger than a breadbox
2 even

anyhoo w3d IS A DIFFIRENT GAME, same as wormsblast is diffirent
17.09.03 18:42
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no, wormblast is not even a game. it's an atrocity.

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17.09.03 18:44
Post #40
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u think? ive never played it

anyhoo if w3D runs on my machine ill keep it, if not ill rent it for ps32 b4 i buy
17.09.03 18:46
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ps32? wow man, u must know some ppl and i mean PPL!

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17.09.03 18:46
Post #42
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lol ps32

yeah its mega fast, i just plug myself in and itsa sooo cool, man tis expensive tho
17.09.03 18:55
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i bet, £1,000,000

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17.09.03 19:02
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w3d uses poxels as the internal format. the graphics engine takes the shapes of the poxels and draws a polygon around the poxels for display only to texture them. I assume the polygons are redrawn anytime a weapon hits.
17.09.03 19:37
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