
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms 3D Discussion » Worms 3D, Bad???

Poll: How do you think that W3D will be?
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Is there people that thinks that W3D will be bad?
I don't understand how someone can think it will be other than totally great!

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16.09.03 08:29
Post #1
[Softbrain Software] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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well they're not thinking of the graphics...thats the only thing anyoen will by this pathetic excuse for a game.
1. There was nothing wrong with worms so dont fix it.
2. No roping...and no caves by wat ive seen and heard.
3. The graphics will interfere with over graphics making it looked messed up like games from yes ps...
4. if it is good it will probably lag ur computer so much it'll crash it...
5. also no more editing graves, flags, and maps.
6. I think u ppl get the point :roll:
16.09.03 11:55
Post #2
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I think it is gonna be very good!
You know...3D, it's awsome!
16.09.03 13:24
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Wooden Hat
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Quoted :: C1

well they're not thinking of the graphics...thats the only thing anyoen will by this pathetic excuse for a game.
1. There was nothing wrong with worms so dont fix it.
2. No roping...and no caves by wat ive seen and heard.
3. The graphics will interfere with over graphics making it looked messed up like games from yes ps...
4. if it is good it will probably lag ur computer so much it'll crash it...
5. also no more editing graves, flags, and maps.
6. I think u ppl get the point :roll:
Yeah that was the bad things with W3D, but you forgot the good things!

1. It will be a totally new feeling by playing Worms 3D, most bcos it's 3D.
2. The graphics look good in the ingame movie, so I don't think that the graphics will be bad.
3. Aiming with first person will get a nice taste to game.
4. The computer will not crash...
5. The caves are hidden under the ground.
6. More jumping flexibility.

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16.09.03 13:42
Post #4
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Quoted :: C1

well they're not thinking of the graphics...thats the only thing anyoen will by this pathetic excuse for a game.
1. There was nothing wrong with worms so dont fix it.
2. No roping...and no caves by wat ive seen and heard.
3. The graphics will interfere with over graphics making it looked messed up like games from yes ps...
4. if it is good it will probably lag ur computer so much it'll crash it...
5. also no more editing graves, flags, and maps.
6. I think u ppl get the point :roll:

1. No, there's nothing wrong with W:A and WWP. But W3D is not like a sequel of WWP, more like a new game.
2.No roping? So? Maybe there are new types of playing.
3.All reviews I've been reading says it's nice gfx.
4.Maybe if you have Pentium I...
5.Maps can be edited with the map editor.
6.I don't get your point.
16.09.03 13:47
Post #5
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Wooden Hat
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A game with a whole new concept and new ways of playing can't be bad!8O

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16.09.03 13:57
Post #6
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omg C1, youi can't say any of this stuff till you've tried it.

and btw, it seems somehow stupid that dingbats simpa and jackbob are all the ppl in this thread apart from me & c1, seeing as they use the same computer. But they probably are different people so there's not really anything wrong with it, they are valid points there, if a little repetitive.

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16.09.03 15:09
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Wooden Hat
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Simpa, me and Dingbats use different comps, we just got our accounts on the same!

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16.09.03 16:23
Post #8
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Of course nobody can say what the game will be like before he has tried it, but if you visit often, and if you have seen the screenshots and so on, you can speculate about the game. And yes, me, Jackbob, Antemannen and Simpa are not the same persons. Even though Simpa and Antemannen use to write in the same threads as me and Jackbob.
16.09.03 16:24
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I realise you're almost certainly not the same person, but I haven't seen you post from a different IP address thingy ever.

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16.09.03 16:27
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What IP addresses do you get? The IPs where our accounts were started, or the IPs where we post? And what does that "No Post Processing" checkbox mean?
16.09.03 16:30
Post #11
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there's a little IP Check button that only admins can see that shows us the IP at signup, any other users with that IP when signing up how many messages have been posted using that IP and who posted them.

By doing an IP check on a user rather than a post, we can also see every IP address that user has posted from.

yeh, this is getting off-toppic, so we should stop this discussion.

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16.09.03 16:37
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What was this about? Worms 3d? :lol: I love when threads gets off topic.
16.09.03 16:47
Post #13
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And I hate it, bcos I think that a thread should stay in the way it started. Someone that jumps on after 20 posts can't write about Worms 3D, bcos then this thread will be about anything else, just like all other threads! lol... :x

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16.09.03 16:55
Post #14
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ya ya i know ur points are valid...but show me a screen shot of a cave...i want to see it...
16.09.03 20:31
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