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a new btp would use some javascript / AJAX or something to make editing easier...
However, I need a long period of time at home, cause I barely use my comp at uni...

You know I'm a dancing machine
13.01.06 19:14
Post #76
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What could be coming to a PBA near you...

This page is just here to give you a hint of what I could be adding to the site soon... So, here it is.

User "points"
Basically all the players can get points for hits, fictoleague wins, winning of any competitions that may appear etc. These can go into a points league table so you can see who is winning...

Players will be able to challenge each other to games. A list of these challenged games goes up on a page and users have to bet on who they think will win. It would add to your points for winning the game (more if less people voted for you) and for voting for the person who you thought would win.

Point awards may be made every so often for being at the top in FictoLeage, visiting the site the most etc. If only I could have actual prizes...

Story Building
Basically just keep posting bits of a story until it ends.

Do all of that.

16.01.06 09:30
Post #77
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I don't like how that's entirely based on the fictoleague. It should be based on a lot of o0ther stuff too, like a good post rating, user rating and rating of files uploaded/captions/excuses etc.

16.01.06 18:41
Post #78
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You know I'm a dancing machine
16.01.06 18:48
Post #79
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Add out pet pixels underneath our custom status in posts.

Enable smilies to be used in the Mood (what's the point in the mood if you can't use a smiley?).

08.03.06 19:37
Post #80
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And now for a dead thread revival!

Mr. Zogger, we, the members of BTP, would like to have something. Check zogbots logs for the date Sunday May 21, at 13:05 - 13:15 GMT.

[07:09] Spider-ManTubig: I think that confirmation email should have a link to the faq
[07:09] Spider-ManTubig: so people might read it
[07:09] HarrY: and rules
[07:10] Bloopy\away: if Pio kept the FAQ up to date :D
[07:10] Bloopy\away: great idea tho
[07:10] Spider-ManTubig: and then when the confirmed people log on for the first time, they should also have the link right in their face too.
[07:11] HarrY: yeah, when they click the ink for the forums it takes them to a page which is like "you better have read the faq."
[07:11] * Spider-ManTubig goes to revive a thread
[07:11] Spider-ManTubig: Yes
[07:12] Spider-ManTubig: and then there will be a checkbox option on the forum that says "I have read the FAQ and I will not be an annoying prick to everyone because I will follow the rules.
[07:13] Bloopy\away: and I am mentally mature
[07:13] Spider-ManTubig: yes
[07:13] Bloopy\away: and zogbot is a sick twisted shit

21.05.06 13:19
Post #81
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