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By the looks of it you seem to have cracked it...
06.01.06 16:44
Post #46
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The flag problem was the code for some reason, Zogger's fixed it now. :)


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
07.01.06 02:57
Post #47
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

try this:

IMG[alt=" [New Posts] "] { overflow: hidden;
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
padding-right: YOURWIDTHpx;
padding-bottom: YOURWIDTHpx;
background: url("/YOUR/IMAGE") no-repeat;

dunno if it works in ie.

edit: I just realised what thread I'm posting on, I've been holding off posting on this thread till I can right a decent reply... spell. lol.

Lots of good suggestions anyway. :)...

Does that CSS work for any image with alt text?
07.01.06 05:34
Post #48
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[]Star Worms
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Use src instad of alt. It works for all images I believe apart from the middle poll bar image which doesn't get stretched.

07.01.06 10:32
Post #49
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yeh, basically any image with exceptions if its size is important, like poll bars.

When you use SRC make sure you look at the source to get the exact src used in the code, not the one you get when you right click.

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07.01.06 12:04
Post #50
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We really need a "Forgot your Password" button, I' ve needed it twice and I've had to bother ZoG to get it sorted.
We also need to be a bit more focused. Get rid off a lot of usless crpa like the fictoleague and that crap and get one really cool theme.

07.01.06 12:45
Post #51
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^first thing I did in the possible new one (the password thing, although I suppose getting rid of useless stuff was impossible not to do).

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07.01.06 12:59
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But I agree we need to get some of our priorities straight.
Such as finishing the PM system.
07.01.06 21:07
Post #53
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Quoted :: C1
I'd like to know what you think its use is then.

07.01.06 21:29
Post #54
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It's a popularity contest, but there's nothing wrong with it.

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08.01.06 00:25
Post #55
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Pixville 2 Ideas

- Tennants, make the maximum the same for every lot but make people be able to choose how many tennants. eg. Maximum of 10 tennants but they can choose 5 if they like. I know almost everyone will choose 10 but it's nice to have the option for those who don't want 10.

- Make the tennants pay a set amount of money which is deducted automatically from their balance. If a user runs out of money and has to pay a PM is sent to the owner giving the option of letting him live there for free or kick him from the plot. The cost would be either daily, weekly or monthly or have a one off cost or both, set by the owner. Make it so that it is optional to make any price changes affect exisiting tennants of not. If you choose to make it affect exisiting tennants, automatically send out a PM to all exisiting tennants to warn them of the price increase which will take effect in 1 week which gives them the option to stay in the property or leave.

- Option to rate houses (In a similar but simplified way to rating users). Only greens or above can rate. A high rating increases the value of the property which means people can make money from buying plots and making a nice profit. However this will be a slow profit because people aren't going to rate the properties quickly (so don't think "No way, they'll end up with loads of money") because the profit they make will be slow, but nevertheless a profit.

- Health Bar. This is probably the most useless of my ideas but there needs to be some kind of benefit to living in well rated houses. Everyone's health starts at 50%. Living in or owning a 20 rated house gives a 1% boost to your health every week, 19 gives 0.9% ... 10 gives 0%, 0 gives -1%. I realise this isn't a great idea and it's another useless thing but we'd need something to make well rated houses a benefit to live in, so I'd welcome any ideas/suggestions for this.

- Give the owner of a plot the option to kick any tennant instantly. Also allow owners to invite people to live there and give people the option to request to live in a plot so long as there is room.

08.01.06 14:01
Post #56
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Quoted :: Star Worms

Pixville 2 Ideas

- Tennants, make the maximum the same for every lot but make people be able to choose how many tennants. eg. Maximum of 10 tennants but they can choose 5 if they like. I know almost everyone will choose 10 but it's nice to have the option for those who don't want 10.

Perhaps the prices differ for the tennants when having a smaller maximum, so then there is a bigger reason for wanting that.

Nice suggestions, houses should beable to be rated.

Another thing is that plots should be ables to be "linked" or "grouped" as for example my bus stop takes up more than one plot of land.

08.01.06 14:14
Post #57
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Quoted :: Star Worms

Quoted :: C1
I'd like to know what you think its use is then.

It's been here since the beginning. It's use is remembrance.

Quoted :: Star Worms

Pixville 2 Ideas

- Tennants, make the maximum the same for every lot but make people be able to choose how many tennants. eg. Maximum of 10 tennants but they can choose 5 if they like. I know almost everyone will choose 10 but it's nice to have the option for those who don't want 10.

- Make the tennants pay a set amount of money which is deducted automatically from their balance. If a user runs out of money and has to pay a PM is sent to the owner giving the option of letting him live there for free or kick him from the plot. The cost would be either daily, weekly or monthly or have a one off cost or both, set by the owner. Make it so that it is optional to make any price changes affect exisiting tennants of not. If you choose to make it affect exisiting tennants, automatically send out a PM to all exisiting tennants to warn them of the price increase which will take effect in 1 week which gives them the option to stay in the property or leave.

- Option to rate houses (In a similar but simplified way to rating users). Only greens or above can rate. A high rating increases the value of the property which means people can make money from buying plots and making a nice profit. However this will be a slow profit because people aren't going to rate the properties quickly (so don't think "No way, they'll end up with loads of money") because the profit they make will be slow, but nevertheless a profit.

- Health Bar. This is probably the most useless of my ideas but there needs to be some kind of benefit to living in well rated houses. Everyone's health starts at 50%. Living in or owning a 20 rated house gives a 1% boost to your health every week, 19 gives 0.9% ... 10 gives 0%, 0 gives -1%. I realise this isn't a great idea and it's another useless thing but we'd need something to make well rated houses a benefit to live in, so I'd welcome any ideas/suggestions for this.

- Give the owner of a plot the option to kick any tennant instantly. Also allow owners to invite people to live there and give people the option to request to live in a plot so long as there is room.

Besides your idea sounding like a lot of work, it sounds cool. Instead of US having health however, let's make it our pixel pets. "But C1! Our pixel pet's already have health." I know that. But why not make hibernation only enabled if you own a house. If you don't own/live in a house, you must feed your pet. - meaning that if your homeless, your pet's shall have a lower level of living.
08.01.06 16:21
Post #58
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[]Star Worms
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Quoted :: HarrY
Perhaps the prices differ for the tennants when having a smaller maximum, so then there is a bigger reason for wanting that.
The idea was that the owner decides how much living there costs. Obviously if the house is better and highly rated, more people will want to live there. Hence the owner probably making staying there more expensive.

Oh and nice idea C1, but I think for that to work, Pixel Pets would have to be free to set up since very few have them at the moment.

Maybe if you don't live in a house your PP's max health drops by a certain amount every day.

Rating of 20 = 0% max health taken each day
19 = -0.05%
10 = -0.5%
0 rated or no house at all = -1%

I think that would work so long as people use the pixel pets. Please tell me if this is crazy (I have had quite a few jaffa cakes and therefore sugar) but we could have a pixel pet shop where you can buy objects to make them happier, more violent or whatever and then fight them against other members' pixel pets.

08.01.06 16:43
Post #59
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Quoted :: Star Worms

Quoted :: HarrY
Perhaps the prices differ for the tennants when having a smaller maximum, so then there is a bigger reason for wanting that.
The idea was that the owner decides how much living there costs. Obviously if the house is better and highly rated, more people will want to live there. Hence the owner probably making staying there more expensive.

Oh and nice idea C1, but I think for that to work, Pixel Pets would have to be free to set up since very few have them at the moment.

Yeah, or at least naked pixels should be free. They're everywhere. They need free, good homes :P

Also, to fix the problem with so little people having pixels, perhaps make them live longer or something? That seems to be the problem imo...they die too fast. It should be like a week before they can die of hunger.

- and cool new ideas StarWorms. I like em.
08.01.06 16:49
Post #60
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