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Oh, and a baldheaded torso.

Worth rewriting BTP for this alone. :)
01.01.06 17:29
Post #16
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Quoted :: The Pope

I only ever use the forum but possibly a slim-lined menu would be good. Keep it vertical, mind, none of that horizontal lobbocks.

Ehm, more options to fill in your profile and lots more forum related statistics would be interesting too.

Multi-racial torsos, we need to be politically correct, don't we (I'm just being difficult now :P)?


An area where questions can be posed by users, and everyone else (except the author) can attempt to answer it. A correct answer would add one point to somewhere to someone's total. You could dip in and out whenever you wanted to and question fixing could be kept an eye on by everyone with a public log file thing page place.

We don't actually need any of that, but it'd be cool.

I entirely agree with this. Also, we need the file edit script as Zippy said, and what Spleet said seem good.
01.01.06 20:04
Post #17
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A option for write in the Date Of Birth and a Birthday page where it shows the current birthdays(Like in Vbulletin)

Bringing back the post ratings

Temporary bans for those whose rating gets to 1.

Making a forum search like the one in PHPBB2.

A option for recover the password if you lose it.
01.01.06 22:48
Post #18
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I have another idea for the forum.
What would you think of a mark for new added posts in the thread its self? and/or another link in the forum to get directly to the new post in the thread.
if we got this already then i haven't seen it.
01.01.06 23:14
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Quoted :: MC

I have another idea for the forum.
What would you think of a mark for new added posts in the thread its self?

Don't we have that already?

Quoted :: ArcBeetle

Temporary bans for those whose rating gets to 1.

That wouldn't work, it'd be like, bannage due to unpopularity, if someone needs to be banned, the admins will deal with it.



02.01.06 01:56
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- an additional option in the user profile to enter the Skype-Name

And a field for the XFire name as well...
02.01.06 02:32
Post #21
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It should auto-subscribe to threads you create and post in, unless you specifically checked a box or clicked "unsubscribe".

When we click the hide sig button, we should be taken to a webpage where we can tell the user why it's being hidden.

02.01.06 12:13
Post #22
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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In order of importance:

1. Forum
2. Shoutbox
3. Rate-A-Sigworm
4. Ask the Pixel/Blamer, BUT with an added buton that lets blueies or admins delete stupid questions. <<<---- Please.

EDIT: 5. Also, could you get the little pop-up info that you get when you mouse-over a torso to work for IE too? I miss those.

EDIT2: Oh, and 6. More admin activity! Or maybe appoint another admin or two. Though, maybe too many newbs around for that.
02.01.06 16:29
Post #23
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Quoted :: Glenn

- an additional option in the user profile to enter the Skype-Name

And a field for the XFire name as well...

And while we're at it, add Xbox Live GamerCards aswell.

02.01.06 17:57
Post #24
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Why would you need more admin activity? There are five active admins on BTP(knifa has ftp access, so he's still considered admin), and just as much UAs to do moderate forum/comments. With the current amount of active members, this is maybe even too much...
02.01.06 18:10
Post #25
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Quoted :: Atomic52

Quoted :: MC

I have another idea for the forum.
What would you think of a mark for new added posts in the thread its self?

Don't we have that already?

Quoted :: ArcBeetle

Temporary bans for those whose rating gets to 1.

That wouldn't work, it'd be like, bannage due to unpopularity, if someone needs to be banned, the admins will deal with it.

I agree. Auto-bannage shouldn't be linked to ratings. The restrictions in place already are good enough.
02.01.06 18:32
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On the forum, the "latest post" should be "latest unread post"

How about instead of a star to show that there are new posts, have the number of threads with unread posts there are.

edit: have the ability to style over sized emclamation marks.

02.01.06 20:01
Post #27
Last edited: 02.01.06 21:10 (HarrY - 1 times) [Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
[]Star Worms
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Is there a way to change that yellow star? Maybe have it editable in different designs? (I don't know if it is or isn't already). It just looks like it's been resized and doesn't really fit in with the blue design I have.

Oh and enable smilies for the fields under the avatars - I want the sad smiley on my mood :P

02.01.06 22:02
Post #28
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Quoted :: Star Worms

Is there a way to change that yellow star?

How dare you! That star is much a part of this forum as you or anyone else is and I'm not joking.

Learn to look, look to learn.
03.01.06 10:01
Post #29
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I suggest everything is backed up somehow, including files that are submitted. :P


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
03.01.06 10:48
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