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Another Suggestion:

For the Caption Competition, allow people to submit pictures to be added. Any admin can allow the pictures. Perhaps make it so at the top it says "1 Waiting Caption Image" or something similar.

10.01.06 23:01
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Orangie Orgy
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awe, i just noticed the caption compo. page is missing all its stuff...

what to do?!?!
10.01.06 23:21
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Get the old images back from the way back machine. (They're there)

Anyway, yet another sugegstion:
There should be the ability to ban people from placing bids on your auctions or the ability to cancel someone's bid (provided you are the auctioneer).

10.01.06 23:27
Post #63
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On the topic of the auction:

Knifa wanted it to be like eBay, so make it like eBay! Fees to make the auction!

10.01.06 23:50
Post #64
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We should make the caption comp a real comp with a new image every week and the best caption wins like $100BTP.



10.01.06 23:58
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Quoted :: Atomic52

We should make the caption comp a real comp with a new image every week and the best caption wins like $100BTP.


And BlameTheCasino?

(Maybe I'm being too demanding...)

11.01.06 00:01
Post #66
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Quoted :: Atomic52

We should make the caption comp a real comp with a new image every week and the best caption wins like $100BTP.


And BlameTheCasino?

(Maybe I'm being too demanding...)




11.01.06 08:18
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Yeah auctions should cost money to create. it'll stop people from making stupid pointless auctions about pie or something.

Ther should be the ability toretract your bid and bidders shoud, eb notified if the auction description has been edited.

11.01.06 16:11
Post #68
Last edited: 11.01.06 16:50 (HarrY - 1 times) [Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
Orangie Orgy
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Dunno bout all that, only seen an auction pop up once every 5 months
and even then how much would putting up an auction cost? you might be spending more than you made
11.01.06 20:38
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

Dunno bout all that, only seen an auction pop up once every 5 months
and even then how much would putting up an auction cost? you might be spending more than you made

I agree with Pio. Putting restrictions on a part of the website that is already hardly used isn't too smart.

Edit: POST #8930!
12.01.06 03:30
Post #70
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[]Star Worms
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Also for Pixville 2, if the rating of a house drops to 1 (or 0) then a PM is sent to admins giving the option to delete that house.


12.01.06 21:29
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Yeh, theres only remove images and edit the info of the space, but removing the lot completly for sale or just getting rid of it requires going into the pv2 board admin thingy which takes about an actual hour to load...
might do that later to clean up the For Sale! lots around
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12.01.06 22:48
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

Yeh, theres only remove images and edit the info of the space, but removing the lot completly for sale or just getting rid of it requires going into the pv2 board admin thingy which takes about an actual hour to load...
might do that later to clean up the For Sale! lots around
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Suggestion: Make it easier for admins to edit Pixville II

13.01.06 05:35
Post #73
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After looking at that screnshot, I agree.

13.01.06 18:14
Post #74
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although its pretty simple once you get used to it, it just needs to load a bit quicker

the roads represent the /,\,>,<, and ^ as U = used, S = sale and - = empty
13.01.06 18:59
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