
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheGeneralDiscussion » BAN SPARKS NOW!

Poll: Would bannign be to serious in this case.
No, ban them now! 9 users
Yes, they arent really trouble 2 users
Only is the problem escalated. 1 users
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I would luike to point out the users "jake fitzy boy and sparks.

They seem to have a fond time argueing with anyone who oppesess them. At1st they were argueing with spaz. I and glenn have both tried to reason with them. To no avail, we were instantly part of the arguement. AFAIK they havent posted. Yet. Im wondering if one of the admin can look into this. Perhaps a PM with a warning?

I personally would like them banned.
02.03.04 10:17
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considering this IP check:


The following users had this IP at the time of signup. However, some users on the same ISP may have the same IP when they sign up.

fitzy boi
fitzy boy
king of the bobs
lazzy boi from mars
psyco scott
psymon worst enemy

The same IP has been used to post 625 messages
These have been posted with username(s) of:


I think we'll just delete all these users, apart from psymon, dvious, and maybe wow13.

You know I'm a dancing machine
02.03.04 11:38
Post #2
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thank you zog. The other user "Jake fitzy boy" isnt on that list. Could someone check him out? =D
02.03.04 12:35
Post #3
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Jake said that it was him on another computer becouse he said he was on 4 computers.
02.03.04 14:55
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Just ban them. Ban everyone who does something bad.
02.03.04 15:15
Post #5
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fitzy boi and fitzy boy are both jake fitzy boy, if you hadn't already figured that out...
[]Glenn$1resolves to run around and find those other four accounts (can't be too hard to find).
02.03.04 15:22
Post #6
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wow! 11 accounts??!?!
02.03.04 15:53
Post #7
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

Just ban them.

you realy want banning
lets ban somebody, to make ding happy:)
is there thing like IP banning for this cases?
02.03.04 17:15
Post #8
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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There banned i think becouse it says unknown user on there spam...
02.03.04 17:20
Post #9
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The other four acounts are me, Dvious, WOW13 and who is the other one ZoG?

02.03.04 17:33
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Were talking about fitzy boy's other accounts, not yours psymon. Obviously, one is on your computer (fitzy boy), and he has one on his own (jake fitzy boy). That narrows it down to two accounts. Of course, one may have been the wassup crew that just got banned, but I doubt it.
02.03.04 18:19
Post #11
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

there was new baning few minutes ago
victom is wassap crew
02.03.04 18:23
Post #12
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We'll find those accounts as soon as they spam again.
02.03.04 18:36
Post #13
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I say ban wow13 too. He was a spammer back then too. Tho he has stopped. Are all these people from psymon's skool or sumthing? Damn psymon attracts spammers to the site.
03.03.04 00:54
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fuckin out of order wanker - From wassap crew
u spaz suk cock u fucking gay cunt im bloke cos of u saying stuff about me nan guess who tis moi sparks u r 1 ulgy mother fucker who is a worm freek i think u should get out more fuck the worms get a girl and stop lickin ur moms fangitta faggit
2 words: ass hole:x
03.03.04 04:55
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