
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheGeneralDiscussion » BAN SPARKS NOW!

Poll: Would bannign be to serious in this case.
No, ban them now! 9 users
Yes, they arent really trouble 2 users
Only is the problem escalated. 1 users
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Thanks to me.
13.03.04 18:28
Post #91
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Yes, sparks voted me down... he even told me he did..
14.03.04 16:49
Post #92
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im voted down but i wont accuse sparks. I think im just not as nice as others on this forum, heh. I dont mind.
14.03.04 18:34
Post #93
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don't accuse him if you want, but you have been rated down by someone called crazy jake, a user that doesn't exist anymore.

You know I'm a dancing machine
14.03.04 20:32
Post #94
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ok i shall accuse him now.
14.03.04 20:41
Post #95
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have i been rated down lately? i haven't noticed....i haven't enough to not be able to post obviously though lol....
14.03.04 21:57
Post #96
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I got rated down once, around the time that the 'RNR clones' came about. It popped back up withing half-an-hour though...

Edit: Whoa, and as if by magic, I just went down to 19 again... Ah well, that's life.
14.03.04 23:12
Post #97
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hmmm i was gonna rate you back up.....but it said

Bad Referrer...

same thing when i try to donate my rent to Duke....
15.03.04 04:00
Post #98
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taking out rule breakers all across the net
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don't take my vote personly because i don't know much about sparks.....but I've met him and he was fine but i didn't talk to him just read his messages....I voted yes don't ban him.

Roy of clan SSA

hunters forever
15.03.04 22:08
Post #99
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Hey i know roy. U asked to tryout for Contra Clan. I'd suggest going back to reply if ur serious about joining. If not meh there's many other fish in the sea.
15.03.04 22:20
Post #100
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

why everybody rate new users bad?
16.03.04 17:16
Post #101
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Quoted :: Archamond

why everybody rate new users bad?

I'm thinking this could be a problem as well. A new user is new, and needs to be welcomed to a forum, not burned at the frickin' stake. Just let them get and handle on things, and sure, let them know when they do something wrong, but don't be an ass about it, and rate them once they've been here for a while and you're sure of your own opinion of the person. Don't rate on first impressions.
16.03.04 18:56
Post #102
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I don't rate many people tho i think it's good that new users are rated a tad bad. That way, they post less and learn more before they're rating goes back up.
16.03.04 19:58
Post #103
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How's about that, because people blame new people to be bad posters, that you can't vote for/against a person under 50 posts. After that you can do your worst.

16.03.04 20:03
Post #104
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So post 50 stupid posts and off u go!
16.03.04 20:15
Post #105
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