
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheGeneralDiscussion » BAN SPARKS NOW!

Poll: Would bannign be to serious in this case.
No, ban them now! 9 users
Yes, they arent really trouble 2 users
Only is the problem escalated. 1 users
Abstain 0 votes
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Thank you for supplying me with the tag that I needed about two months ago. Ah well. Maybe there should be an option in pre-sig that says whether it is going to be table formatted or not, and if not, it puts in the line. But what do I know?
22.03.04 22:48
Post #136
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And then we'd have to explain to every new user what that means. It's easier to have them put the line in their themselves, which is what they should be doing.
22.03.04 23:05
Post #137
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