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Poll: Is BlameTheRPG spam?
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Quoted :: psymon

If the Forum Is peeing So many people Then get rid of it if it really annoys You so much that you don't want to go on BTP.

Or Just leave it And let the people who like the idea of the forum.

Other than that, Move it back down, underneith Abd's forum, Where it's out of most people's sight, Out of most people's mind.

I don't know who desiced to Put it that high up?

that has the most random capital letters i have ever seen :p
22.01.04 20:47
Post #16
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*Tempted to flame* :x

Okay, you whiners. delete the damn forum. Forget any idea I have, and no way, don't let a "noob" mod. hell no. Just get it out of my hair and while we're at it let's ban joetheeskimo5 and psymon for making a simple forum that SOME ppl actually like! :twisted:
22.01.04 20:50
Post #17
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aww, you make me feel guilty :cry:
22.01.04 20:57
Post #18
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lmao, me 2

i think hes crying...
22.01.04 21:00
Post #19
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22.01.04 21:10
Post #20
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it was ReadMe's idea to put the forum in the off topic forums.

22.01.04 21:12
Post #21
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Okay, make fun of me. It all comes down to zogger. When he sees this thread hell make the desicion :x

edit by Teh wishmaster, is that a threat? XD
22.01.04 21:14
Post #22
Last edited: 22.01.04 21:16 (The Wishmaster - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i say it should either not count towards actually post counts. ( dont tell me this is crap talk cos team17 do it. and there is a nes in that forum. )

or fucking go spam spaz' spam forum privding he lets u of course,

or fucking get your own foum for free
22.01.04 21:14
Post #23
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come to my forum to spam (and make rps)

i think the rpg forum is not needed. i iwll spam it up if i want.
22.01.04 21:27
Post #24
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gud idea C1 (i know its not urs) i think zog or cb should cr8 a forum especially for threads like abds, c1s etc and that any posts in there even if they arent to do with the topic or if a new thread is started that it doesent go towards you post count that way *cough spaz cough* wont become a bluie so easyly
22.01.04 21:29
Post #25
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Threat?? was that really an edit by you, Wishmaster? :?

Oh well. For heaven's sake, i'd rather have post count removed from it than the whole forum removed. :(
22.01.04 21:47
Post #26
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shesh dude, no-one wants it removed just that people think its unfair that youcan post so many msgs in one forum and get a post count for it. look at c1 he must of posted hundreds of posts in abds slap the user thread. and now he gets "respect" because he has a lot of posts where as me with only a couple of hundred dont get shit. but all my posts have had a point.
22.01.04 21:57
Post #27
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To whom it may concern,

It has come to my attention that a large number of patrons of this forum have had a conflicting opinion about a certain forum (BlameTheRPG). Now, then, I will try to calmly explain my view of this.

As it stands right now, my opinion is that this forum is not spam. The definition of spam is:

1) To send unsolicited e-mail to.

2) To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.

As you can see, this forum fits neither of these descriptions. To say that said forum is spam, is the same as saying the accumulative forums are spam (BlameThePixel). As the only definition you would be able to apply it to is #2, that would end up applying to all posts in this forum. Using this reasoning, you are techinically 'sending a message indiscrimately to multiple individuals', because these forums are open to all.

My best recommendation at this time is that all posts in said forum not count toward post counts, and that no money be accumulated toward these posts. However, if the webmaster (ZoGgEr) deems it neccessary, I will stand by his decision to completely delete the forum. Said forum is not worth this much trouble to save.

However, should he choose to let said forum remain, something must be said. The residents of said forum humbly request you refrain from posting unless you choose to take part in the adventures. Just like the patrons of this forum do not appreciate spam, the residents of said forum do not appreciate it either. While we understand you have the gift of free will, and will do what you want anyway, this is our solemn plea.

I would like to end in a quote:

Quoted :: Magus
If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh.

Please do what you deam just and right in this situation, ZoGgEr.

Aaron 'Glenn' Wright
22.01.04 22:56
Post #28
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The problem lies not within the forum but in the mindset of the people themselves. They seem to think high post count = respect. high post count = lots of post and nothing else. Once people get that iunto their tiny underdeveloped little skulls then maybe we'll have a forum where visiting is beacause i want to, rather than because i have to.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
22.01.04 23:22
Post #29
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TY readme i have been sayin that for a little while well maybe not in so many words but still. thats why i was so annoyed at the fact that no one wanted me as mmod because i had a low post count.
23.01.04 00:05
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