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in the shark []ArcBeetle thinks: how can we go out of here?

Then []ArcBeetle uses the prominence (again) and destroy the shark from the inside
05.07.05 22:11
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"Phew," says []EvilWeevil, "I've finally done it. I..." *Realises the finish line has disappeared.* "Oh great! Now how are we going to find the finish line?"

[]EvilWeevil swims around searching for the finish line.
06.07.05 10:22
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[]kikumbob is badly injured by the prominence, and so uses this feeling to propell himself through the water again. it works. Very well.

The only problem he isnt going in the right direction.
06.07.05 10:50
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[]ArcBeetle is thrown by the explosion of the prominence to the land again

But this time he has a problem:

"I dont have money! How can I now get a boat to go to the island?"
06.07.05 12:27
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[]TheAbdBoy stays in the hole.

"... I'm hungry."

07.07.05 21:26
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[]ArcBeetle goes to a McDonalds to get a work for get money.

"Well I must work a week for get enough money hope that the race wont finish before this..."
07.07.05 21:35
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[]Glenn magically materializes in the hole with Abdboy.

"Here's some food for you."

[]Glenn magically materializes in the middle of the ocean where he's still trying to find the finishline.

(Well, wasn't that convenient? :|)
07.07.05 23:55
Post #67
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[]kikumbob ends up at Mcdonalds.
to []ArcBeetle
"give me a supersized quarter pounder without the cheese and with extra pickle, a small coke, a medium salad without the tomatoe and a Mcflurry but leave it to defrost first. Oh and dont make that guy "points at random person behind counter* make it, he looks dodgy"
08.07.05 09:04
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[]EvilWeevil finds a note at the bottom of the ocean. He swims up to shore and reads it.

Dear contestants.

Sorry about the bother, but I've decided to have a break. I mean, after being flattened into the ground, having to run away, and just waiting for you to find me, I think I deserve a rest. Gone to BurgerKing, which just happens to be nowhere near McDonalds.

See you soon, Finish Line.

[]EvilWeevil runs off into town in search of BurgerKing.
08.07.05 09:42
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[]ArcBeetle gives to []kikumbob the supersized quarter pounder without the cheese and with extra pickle, a small coke, a medium salad without the tomatoe and a Mcflurry but leaving it to defrost first

After it, []EvilWeevil enters in the McDonald to eat a burger and let a paper fall

[]ArcBeetle reads the papier.

"OMG the finish line is near here, then i dont need to work for get a new boat"

[]ArcBeetle jumps trough the windows and runs like hell to the BurgerKing
08.07.05 12:42
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"I wanted fries with that":(
08.07.05 12:50
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But []ArcBeetle jumped already, so he didnt hear that

[]kikumbob, very hungry, runs away of the MCDonald without paying

And the boss of []ArcBeetle running behind him (kikumbob)
08.07.05 15:43
Post #72
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[]EvilWeevil runs after them.

[]EvilWeevil finds Sonic's super-sneakers. He puts them on and zooms past []ArcBeetle and []kikumbob, and straight into BurgerKing.

[]EvilWeevil sees the finish line. The finish line sees []EvilWeevil and runs thorugh the "Staff only" door. []EvilWeevil runs after it.
09.07.05 02:32
Post #73
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[]kikumbob pays the bill to the boss of []ArcBeetle

[]ArcBeetle runs to the BurgerKing
and enters trough the "Staff Only" door and sees []EvilWeevil

[]ArcBeetle shoots the triple canon at []EvilWeevil, burning his super-sneakers.

The finish line takes advantage of this and runs away
09.07.05 11:27
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[]EvilWeevil gets out a club and breaks every bone in []ArcBeetle's body. He turns to see the finish line run off into a maze.

"I never knew BurgerKing was this big," says []EvilWeevil as he runs in to the maze.
09.07.05 11:54
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