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So out of the last 20 users, 9 have been banned (that's 45% for those counting at home). And the other two double accounts aren't banned/deleted yet either, so they're included (at least I think they're doubles...). Rather sad when you think about it...
01.09.04 13:13
Post #211
Last edited: 01.09.04 13:17 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Its not knifas fault. that some punk ass skank, couldnt abide by commen sence or rules.

Id think its pretty obvious, if you dont want banned, dont act the way you are, then whinge, make a new account then repeat when your found out.

Yes its sad. The person is a sad individual.

I think its just because BTP is a close knit community that we notice these things. Espeically when checking for multiple accounts is common knowledge...

moral : dont want banned? dont be a prick.

01.09.04 13:39
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I know it's not Knifa's fault (or any of the admins for the matter). It's these dumbasses that come on thinking they own the place, and then when they get totally screwed over by people that know what they're doing, they screw back to try and prove they're better. The world would be a better place without these asses in it. Wait, maybe that can be the next Olympic sport. n00b hunting. I know I would watch it :twisted:.
01.09.04 13:58
Post #213
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i would love to patriciapte in n00b hunting.

Weapon of choice : Bazooka. very slow and purposfull.

Then again if there were lots : Dual M4s or something.

01.09.04 14:21
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Yeah, noob hunting ! You have my vote. I would snipe their little brain (if there's some) out of their head, and put the videos on BTA. :lol:


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01.09.04 15:31
Post #215
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Home movie time!... Let's start a rebellion against the n00bs of the internet.
01.09.04 15:43
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Im' pretty sure kill the cow is Pixel, but ATM he's not behaving badly, so no pb. I say ATM. Use that opportunity wisely... if your're good you won't be in trouble.


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02.09.04 08:50
Post #217
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I'm pretty sure it's not pixel, unless he went somewhere else to sign up... ;)

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02.09.04 09:07
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Clue : See ask the pixel page ;)
Anyway if he's nice (single account and no spam is nice), no pb.

edit : BTW i'm not the one who rated him down.


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02.09.04 09:08
Post #219
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No, I was. If needsbe, I'll retract and revote if he doesn't turn out to be some SPAM whore...

Learn to look, look to learn.
02.09.04 09:38
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Quoted :: The Pope

No, I was. If needsbe, I'll retract and revote if he doesn't turn out to be some SPAM whore...

That "IF" is important. Same for me, IF he's good, i won't blame him.


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02.09.04 09:44
Post #221
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i'm intrigued falkra, what is you method for spotting double accounts?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
02.09.04 11:29
Post #222
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Profiling. The style is always the same, same kind of nickname, profile, mail. The Last Location feature is very useful too, since multiple accounts users use to go the same place they've been before. When a new account is created it's easy to see where the user goes, and when it's the usrrate page, well, it's easy to see who's been rated up.
The comments written on pages help too (available in profile page as well), some people only visit 5% of btp's pages, that makes them easy to spot.
Profiling + intuition + lots of browsing then (see my hits number).

edit : also the "see all" members page is useful, since it allows to display all new accounts ordered.


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02.09.04 11:38
Post #223
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The user [B]appeal seems quite suspicious - after posting a few random ulinking-related comments he went straight to the userrate page...
14.09.04 13:24
Post #224
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[B]Noob xSlayerx
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AHHH look at my isp range, 69.29 theres like 20 different people on there...including me! ahh *scared*

Death to all noobs!
28.10.04 22:24
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