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Quoted :: Pixel

I dont think Tha 411 is Kyle, he has a different email and everything..but anyway Falkra, why are you so worried about mutipul accounts, if an admin has a problem with it, they will fix it.

Just mind your own buiseness. Thx.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

29.08.04 17:47
Post #196
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Falkra, you have to understand, when you make a topic about something its everyone's buisenuess, if you dont wont people to get involved then..*points the the Priv. Messages*.
29.08.04 18:27
Post #197
Last edited: 29.08.04 19:57 (Pixel - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Read again my previous post, i don't speak about everybody, just about you.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

29.08.04 18:35
Post #198
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Yes, but when i say everybody, i mean everybody, including you and me, so unless you dont want my to get involved, dont make a topic/post about it.
29.08.04 19:56
Post #199
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

[off topic]
XxSpIDerxX, can you change your font color??
It is unreadable on most of designs
At least put some bg on post like readme
[/off topic]
30.08.04 08:56
Post #200
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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A []Unvalidated Emailpenis account has been created, 1st time he logged in, he rated someone, and at the same time, pixel's rating went 1 up... :roll:
[S]Pioneer322 saw it too.

edit same thing for niggah account, and [B]Spamtastic, all rated pixel up, in the same 5 minutes moment. Not a coincidence... :roll:
+ spammer account. (more to come)
[B]Spamness too.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

31.08.04 18:20
Post #201
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All banned, including Pixel.
31.08.04 18:32
Post #202
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spammer remains ATM, very good job.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

31.08.04 18:33
Post #203
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Spammer is gone.
31.08.04 18:34
Post #204
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*opens good bottle of liquor*

"Plop" to them. I hope he'll learn, since it's the purpose of all this.

noob killer now what more ? Little imagination, btw. I'll make a nice screenshot of all red banned torsos when it's finished.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

31.08.04 18:37
Post #205
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Death to him as well.
31.08.04 18:47
Post #206
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Quoted :: Falkra

A []Unvalidated Emailpenis account has been created, 1st time he logged in, he rated someone, and at the same time, pixel's rating went 1 up... :roll:
[S]Pioneer322 saw it too.

edit same thing for niggah account, and [B]Spamtastic, all rated pixel up, in the same 5 minutes moment. Not a coincidence... :roll:
+ spammer account. (more to come)
[B]Spamness too.

Many Red Torsos! Too Funny! :D
I await your "screen shot" []Falkra. :)

All these noobs might be partly my fault... alot of my shopper maps have a link for BTP on it... :(
31.08.04 22:57
Post #207
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Here it is :

The page is splattered with noob's blood and red banned torsos.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

01.09.04 11:26
Post #208
Last edited: 01.09.04 11:29 (Falkra - 3 times) [My maps] [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Archamond

[off topic]
XxSpIDerxX, can you change your font color??
It is unreadable on most of designs
At least put some bg on post like readme
[/off topic]

I've removed all font colours completely aswell with the A tag. I was just testing anyway
01.09.04 12:37
Post #209
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

Quoted :: XxSpIDerxX

Quoted :: Archamond

[off topic]
XxSpIDerxX, can you change your font color??
It is unreadable on most of designs
At least put some bg on post like readme
[/off topic]

I've removed all font colours completely aswell with the A tag. I was just testing anyway

Ok, thanks
01.09.04 12:52
Post #210
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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