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oooooo we have a comedian!
05.08.04 19:05
Post #151
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Man, that is hard to read. I don't think he's heard of a "sentence".

05.08.04 20:31
Post #152
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He's also been rating me down. ALL their accounts rated me down. He's also threatening me to rate him up or all his "friends" will rate me down.
06.08.04 03:31
Post #153
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[G]dj canada
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Arrrrggg, they are comming out of the wood work...

Check out lowlander for me.
06.08.04 04:02
Post #154
Last edited: 06.08.04 04:03 (DJ Canada - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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0 people with the same ip, he only has 1 ip, and he's never posted.
06.08.04 06:05
Post #155
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[G]dj canada
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It is odd all of his maps are rated 5 within the day they where uploaded, but I guess nothing can be done about about it, since NO IPs match.
06.08.04 07:13
Post #156
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the author of the maps that have been rated 5 is senzaDubbio. He's also the person who rated them to 5.

You know I'm a dancing machine
06.08.04 10:26
Post #157
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[G]dj canada
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Bleh, as long as it is not double accounts.
06.08.04 16:14
Post #158
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its just as bad, hes getting someone else to upload his maps so that he can rate them to 5...
06.08.04 16:19
Post #159
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[G]dj canada
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It wouldn't be AS bad if poeple rated stuff more often.8O

Still don't see why he couldn't upload his own maps...
06.08.04 20:46
Post #160
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Doesn't really matter. As long as it's not a fake account, he can ask people to rate his stuff up.
06.08.04 20:50
Post #161
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[G]dj canada
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As long s it is not a fake/double account. I do not care. But people needs to start rating Maps (and other things) more often.

Personaly I do not rate stuff that much, but that is becuase other people don't either...

I am not a follower and I'm not a leader... I like to stay in the middle of things. :D
06.08.04 23:03
Post #162
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Soembody do an IP check on []Khuzad please. I keep seeing his crap excuses/caption being rated to 5.
16.08.04 03:58
Post #163
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IP Check

Note: The IP Check has only been enabled since the third of April '03, so it won't be able toaccount for old posts...

The user (Khuzad) you have selected for an IP check has been posted by a user with an IP of:

The following users had this IP at the time of signup. However, some users on the same ISP may have the same IP when they sign up.


The same IP has been used to post 0 messages
16.08.04 05:35
Post #164
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Holidays tomorrow, back here and on WN.
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I'm pretty sure he rated me down some captions. (just for fun)


Artwork by the wishmaster.

16.08.04 07:23
Post #165
Last edited: 16.08.04 07:23 (Falkra - 1 times) [My maps] [Hide Sig (4)] [Profile] [Quote]
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