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cause other ppl invest in making a program, based on a few neanderthals, walking in some house, planted with cameras in it (yes, I'm talking about Big Brother, which reminds me: forgive my country for ever making that up)

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08.03.03 05:33
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speaking of jackass, i saw this really funny episode when they were "testing" (shooting/hitting each other with) anti-mugging devices, sum1 shot jonny knoxville with a tazer and kept shooting him while he was on the floor. he was screaming in pain and stuff "right, you stop that right now or ill f***ing kick ur f***ing ass." it was hilarious.
did u see the ppl fishing? that was sweet 2 u know wit the fishing line and money?


09.03.03 00:35
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speaking of jackass, i saw this really funny episode when they were "testing" (shooting/hitting each other with) anti-mugging devices, sum1 shot jonny knoxville with a tazer and kept shooting him while he was on the floor. he was screaming in pain and stuff "right, you stop that right now or ill f***ing kick ur f***ing ass." it was hilarious.

see, I don't get why that's funny. It's just stupid.

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09.03.03 18:19
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See, I find it funny that these people are willing to do this to themselves.

I just saw the film, hell it's free, and laughed and squirmed in equal measures. From the repulsive piss on snowcone to the very funny ass kicking by a female Muay Thai boxer.

I guess I just related to much of it, having done stoopid stuff when I was younger:
Asking a priest if he believed Capital punishment shoud be brought back in the UK.
Waterbombing the public from a height.

Lots of immature, but amusing (To me at least) stuff.
10.03.03 09:17
Post #19
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Double Review, Equilibrium & The Life of David Gale.
(Again, scores out of 5* Shuriken)

Equilibrium I almost dismissed due to the trailers baring a huge resemblance to the Matrix action, which in truth it did, but it turned out to be no bad thing.
It carried the style far better in film than it managed to convey during the trailer.

SCORE: ****

If you're going with the gf read the following spoiler:

*Spoiler* Dog execution, not too visual but audible, had my own gf in tears. *Spoiler End*

The Life of David Gale was great, I don't know if this is being well advertised, nominated, etc but it should be. Thankfully I hadn't really heard anything about it, and thus had only the most basic understanding of the story before seeing it. Worth seeing

SCORE: ****

17.03.03 07:31
Post #20
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Matrix Re-loaded.

Ugh! I nearly re-gurgitated.


Went to see this last night. Now I like a good unrealistic fight, look at Iron Monkey for an example, flying everywhere but still a great film with awesome fights. But for some reason the W brothers thought a good fight scene alone a movie makes.

Not so, there needs to be reason. Here are some examples of how not to introduce fight scenes.


Neo: Agent Smith, you're back? Why? How?

Smith: Erm, not sure, something to do with you, look at my new special effect, not sure how I can do it, lets fight!


Neo: I'm here to see the Oracle.

Chinese guy: Erm, okay. Let's fight!

Couple these with the offensive "You don't understand what I'm saying because you're all human and thus fallible." justification of a shit plot, add a pinch of unnecessary sex-scene, a hint of a Morpheous/Braveheart speech and you get a disgusting follow up to a good original.

The whole Neo revival through love bit in the first film was a bit of a stretch but we allowed it 'cause Neo's the one. This time Trinity should've stayed dead. Period. End of Story.
23.05.03 18:24
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you make it sound crap...
23.05.03 22:10
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you make it sound crap...

lol, that's because I didn't...
23.05.03 22:16
Post #23
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oh... well, im going to use my usual excuse.

im insane.
23.05.03 23:24
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i quite liked it but i agree with turtle about the plot, made it a little worse by the fact that i didn't fully hear what the architect was saying.


All of the programs were in fact trying to guide neo to the floor of the building so he can restart the matrix and the cycle beings again, right? So why were the agents trying to kill the 'exile' key maker, also, the twins were exiles too, so why didn't the agents try to kill them?

something to think about:
what if there hasn;t really been 6 matrixes, what if the oracle was trying to help and the architect only told him that so he wouldn't go through the door and destory the matrix.

***** end of spoilers *****

on a side note, did anyone hang around until the end of the credits to see the tralier for revolutions?

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24.05.03 19:44
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damn. you roused me and now ive gone and typed a long viable post. now read, all you matrix-reloaded non-fans:

i thought reloaded was a good movie except for the sex scene which, provided it gave the entire audience a good horn, was utterly pointless. if you dont understand why some fight scenes occured then im not going to bother explaining them to you, you clearly didnt pay attention to anything that was said / occured in the movie before the smith fight, and you clearly didnt listen to what the chinese guy said after the fight.

which twins? the vampires are simply people from an earlier version of the matrix (the times of vampires) who lived on because vampires have long lives. the albinos are rogue viruses. the agent sentry programs have one main task, destroy the keymaker, and one secondary and similar, destroy the other people in black leather. the viruses happened to be helping them so they left em be. the viruses work for whats-his-ass the french dude.

as far as the things to think about and the other things you are unsure of, thats the whole point of the movie, to make you question the validity of everything any of the "helper" and "villian" characters say and determine for yourself the true nature, quest, friend/foe status, of each one.

the speech was sorta like braveheart, ill give you that.

if you're going to kill a main character permanently then do so in the third film. sequels that were not planned are never as good as sequels that were. for examples of films where sequels were not planned see matrix, the land beyond time, etc. for some examples of films with planned sequels watch the star wars trilogy. then compare the prequels 1&2 to the trilogy and notice the difference between planned and unplanned sequels (although this fault is somewhat patched up by the fact Lucas had written these books, so he didnt have too much work in terms of story development to do).

and yes i stayed for the trailer.

anyone else want to badly review a movie i enjoyed?

oh and if you want to see my favourites list, basically combine every one you've seen so far, especially bloopy's, because i have to admit those are some of my favs indeed.

now if you'll excuse me i'm going to watch Fight Club, which i have never seen and accidently downloaded on kazaa due to the stupidity of their fake filenames. from what i hear its an amazing movie, although already the intro looks like the ones in spiderman, daredevil, and X-2 (yes i know that the stringy things in fight club's intro are not webs).
13.06.03 13:20
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as far as jackass, there are several types of people in the world.

- people who enjoy watching other people make total fuckwits of themselves
- people who enjoy being fuckwits themselves
- people who cant stand this sort of thing and find it stupid
- people who think they dont like this sort of thing but come to find it mildly amusing after watching it

although there are very few of the 2nd and third types out there, there are indeed some people of type three still. if you watched the jackass movie and can honestly say you did not enjoy any part of it, then you're probably a three. if you liked the concept of jackass before even seeing it then you're a one... if you liked the concept of jackass before even seeing it AND enjoy pain, you're a two.

i myself thought it was stupid, and still maintain that, but i do rather enjoy watching jackass when im in the mood. the overpublicity of it all has come to make it less than it could have been / was. something animal in my nature tells me this stuff is funny as hell to see.

however i would not recommend trying to be a two unless you really enjoy pain and have expendable clothes... i tore some nice cargos scootering down a driveway to the uneven curb at high speed, although in hindsight it was amusing. note that i am not one of those bastards who tries something because he sees it in a movie... i am one of those bastards who sees someone else fall and has to be the best, so tries it.

um.. so um yeah. reality tv shows are interesting when you are bored out of your mind or if it's one of the first 3 episodes. other than that they blow ass like it ain't no thang.

anything else you want to know my opinion on ask lol
13.06.03 13:27
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Now DieHard! That's a good film! ***** The pure action of it and tense feeling you have for the cop. It is just great! I say make a game of it. Well they have before but it was rubbish. Make a new one. It could be the new CS. Actually , there is a kinda new CS, Condition Zero.

Learn to look, look to learn.
14.06.03 15:46
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There is already two full trilogies of die hard games, the first lot aren't half bad.

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14.06.03 23:54
Post #29
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Quoted :: Annelid

damn. you roused me and now ive gone and typed a long viable post. now read, all you matrix-reloaded non-fans:

Turtle reads on...

Quoted :: Annelid
...if you dont understand why some fight scenes occured then im not going to bother explaining them to you, you clearly didnt pay attention to anything that was said / occured in the movie before the smith fight, and you clearly didnt listen to what the chinese guy said after the fight.

Referring to the whole "Oracle needs protection, I needed to be sure you were 'the one'" bollocks that the guy spouted after the fight? It was pure nonsense. Just an excuse to have a decent fight scene.

Quoted :: Annelid
...the vampires are simply people from an earlier version of the matrix (the times of vampires) who lived on because vampires have long lives.

But if the matrix is replicated and redone every 100 years there never was (the times of vampires) was there? The same present-day scenario that the matrix projects is simply rehashed again & again.

Quoted :: Annelid
...the viruses work for whats-his-ass the french dude.

And he served what purpose exactly? Oh yeah, he kidnapped the keymaker :P

Quoted :: Annelid
...the speech was sorta like braveheart, ill give you that.

Thank you, lol.

Quoted :: Annelid
...anyone else want to badly review a movie i enjoyed?

What other movies did you enjoy and I'll give it a go. :P

But seriously, there were too many pointless characters in Matrix Re-gurgitated. Jada Pinket Smith or whatever her name is & the leader of the Xion's armies, they served next to no purpose at all, the french-git, his missus and the twins again served no purpose, they did not improve the story, they added no depth. For a good 10 minutes I thought the guy in the projection booth had switched reels with a soap opera the acting and plot was so one dimensional.

I liked the fights, I like fighting, but I also like a good story and there wasn't one to be found here.

Smith entering that guys head through the phone-line was clearly an effort to show you this is simply a matrix scenario run through another matrix which has them all happily sitting in their cocoons being sapped of energy, lets not even talk about the laws of thermodynamics which prevents this even working...


...but do feel free to be entertained by this drivel if it so pleases you.
16.06.03 18:51
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