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Poll: Will Team17 return to making 2D worms games?
Yes 7 users
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Someone else will buy Team17 1 users
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no c1, thats full transparency over certain pixels.

png supports a full alpha layer, which means it blends pixels with background colors.

of corse, i know a full partially transparent pngs that work fine anywhere but IE :) - ie shows them as transparent!(bottom four here:
03.10.03 20:19
Post #31
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

Yea Meiapaul, my PC is lagging when Iopen some forum with your posts.
I bearly can tipe.
Please do something about that
06.10.03 15:50
Post #32
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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click on hide sig underneath meiapaul's posts and you won't get the lag anymore.

You know I'm a dancing machine
06.10.03 16:09
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Hi everybody

Well, its me and only me
07.10.03 10:22
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Hello person with the same IP as archamond. Why are you spamming?

You know I'm a dancing machine
07.10.03 11:04
Post #35
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i say that a warning should come up, if your ip matches that of another registered user. That way they know that theyve been rumbled the minute there registered. Or when you register it checks your ip and if youve already regisered, you get told you cant. then again it might be to hard?
07.10.03 16:33
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but also some people just have the same ip or close to the same and its not the same person
07.10.03 20:47
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yeh, what C1 said, IPs change, ppl on the same ISP can have the same IPs. It doesn't happen that frequently but it does happen.

You know I'm a dancing machine
08.10.03 15:54
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ISP is like the same internet company?
09.10.03 00:20
Post #39
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isp = internet service provider.

think about it.
09.10.03 01:13
Post #40
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especially on dial-up connections, i get a different IP every time i come on to BTP. I wonder how big the list in my IP check is...

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
09.10.03 17:45
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The same user has posted from 166 IPs, these are:"
09.10.03 18:06
Post #42
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heh, same for ADSl users?

Learn to look, look to learn.
09.10.03 18:39
Post #43
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nah, they should have a fixed IP

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
09.10.03 18:57
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nope...only dsl.
09.10.03 19:34
Post #45
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