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Poll: What is the best messenging service?
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[]The Pope
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i spelt argument wrong thats all lol 'argumnet' is what i typed...

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13.09.03 13:16
Post #46
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:) ah well, go back and edit some more posts because the correct spelling is argument


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
13.09.03 13:49
Post #47
[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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dont mean to sound dumb, but what is the messnger exe called? i've not looked yet but if u've done it already then it'll be quicker than me crawling thru my system files til i see an icon that matches

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13.09.03 22:13
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13.09.03 22:26
Post #49
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thought it might be, thx

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13.09.03 22:40
Post #50
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are you on 9x ReadMe? I'm sorry if you are.

and i got msn 6, that's 'msnmsgr.exe'.
13.09.03 23:16
Post #51
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i was talking about windows messager...which one were u talking about?
14.09.03 00:29
Post #52
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I'm on XP now, it was windows messenger i was trying to break - i like msn and the uninstall option actually does work.

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14.09.03 12:23
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o...odd i uninstalled this program cause it took up 5000MB and after i uninstalled it the hard drive space didnt change...why would that be?
14.09.03 16:46
Post #54
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a huge virus?

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14.09.03 16:50
Post #55
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hmm damn it could be...mind u the program came with my digital it couldnt be from that...:S im sad :'(
14.09.03 17:30
Post #56
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i found this, it will allow you to remove windows messenger, I didnt know about this but here if you want it still, unless renaming the .exe worked. Seems a wierd way around the problem though.

Dave M :If you are using messenger that came with your operating system Not(msn messenger 6.0) you can go to control panel > add and remove programs > add and remove windows components (make sure you click on add and remove windows components in the add and remove program page). You should see check boxes for programs that came with xp. Unckeck the messenger box restart your computer to unintall it. Then go back a re-check it restart your computer to re-install messenger. Messenger is not located in the traditional add and remove programs spot where all other programs are stored, again you must go to the remove windows component portion of the add and remove page. Good Luck!
02.10.03 09:25
Post #57
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tried that, still didn't work lol, renaming worked fine.

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02.10.03 17:37
Post #58
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lol ok, didnt mean 2 dig up old thread but my teacher needed evidence of me using a newsgroup/forum :P
02.10.03 17:56
Post #59
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[]The Pope
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why? weird homework...

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02.10.03 18:38
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