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Poll: What is the best messenging service?
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[]The Pope
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This is what it says when i try and login:

We could not sign you in to MSN Messanger. It appears you are behind a firewall that does not allow a direct connection to the internet. We tried to sign you in through an HTTP proxy, but your Internet Explorer proxey settings are either missing or incorrect. To adjust your IE proxy settings, click IE tools menu, click internet options, click connection tab, and then click LAN settings.

Anyone help?

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03.09.03 15:58
Post #1
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happenes to me pope but just clik retry and sign in again

then it works fine 4 me
03.09.03 16:43
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[]The Pope
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nope, it's still not working. i thinks it's a little more complex than that.

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03.09.03 16:46
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disable ur firewall?
03.09.03 16:54
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[]The Pope
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i havent got one. but if tehre is a button somewhere which when turned on disables friewalls could someone tell me about it

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03.09.03 17:59
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this happens for me. its just a minor error on msn. usually is fixed quickly.
03.09.03 20:24
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holy crap. you didn't include IRC. most of those are a form of IRC, anyway... so I can't really say what the best IRC server is, they all suck, but IRC is stil the best, the first, and mIRC makes it really great.
03.09.03 20:27
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nnno. cause 1. mirc=viruses quick. 2. i like have these numbered stuff. 3. msn is best. 4. mirc is just a large chat. 5. i only like it cause it can be linked to java chats.
03.09.03 20:30
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C1, i know you're not the average dumbass, and no, i wouldn't recommend IRC for everyone, but if you use your god damn head (anyone, not you, C1) mIRC is a fine experience. You just have to utilize it correctly. And that's the great thing about mIRC, you can utilize it about every which way possible, and the scripting is great.

oh, and on viruses (virii? fuckin english), Khaled (author: mIRC) keeps adding more features that, by default, keep you from downloading viruses/trojans/etc., and brings up all kinds of warnings... and shit.

I suppose you just have to try it and find out for yourself. Or don't. ... Ah, the servers are about as packed as they need to be anyway. Stay off IRC!
03.09.03 20:37
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03.09.03 20:40
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[]The Pope
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ok, so it should sort itself out. And the reason i choose MSN is because it does what i need it to do and downloading something else would jsut give another path for poeple to spam, annoy, complain at me. Best to stick to one program and use it well.

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03.09.03 20:42
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also with msn u can block and choose who u want to talk to...and its pretty. unlike mirc or at least last time i used it
03.09.03 20:45
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lol; i'm sorry C1, but that's just funny. compared to mIRC, you have no control on MSN.

same with you pope. MSN can only be used 'so well'. Then you hit a rock. And that's about 5 feet from the starting line. mIRC has so much shit to it that i doubt anyone (even Khaled) has it all memorized.
03.09.03 20:47
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whos he?
03.09.03 20:50
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Quoted :: routine_error

... on viruses (virii? fuckin english), Khaled (author: mIRC) keeps adding more ...
03.09.03 21:04
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