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Can I get my account back?
03.11.06 00:24
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Quoted :: Spleet

Can I get my account back?



Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
03.11.06 07:48
Post #32
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Quoted :: Spleet

Now that, was not cool. The Pope is one of the coolest people here.

I got my account deleted for that? That was the last post I posted before.. ya know...
03.11.06 13:10
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Quoted :: Zippy

You ban him twice then delete his account. Low. Very low.

More like because it's hillarious to watch you all whine about it when he can just reregister and lose nothing of value.
03.11.06 23:48
Post #34
Last edited: 03.11.06 23:48 (Knifa - 1 times) [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Ahem... My hitcount? But seriously, please don't do it again.
03.11.06 23:59
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Quoted :: Knifa
More like because it's hillarious to watch you all whine about it when he can just reregister and lose nothing of value.

It's just the principle of you deleting an account that pisses them off. When some random kid comes up behind you and does random pelvic thrusts, it doesn't hurt you, but it would still annoy you... Some of you... It's not hilarious, it's old, I thought we had a thread about deleting accounts and solved the issue...

04.11.06 00:13
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good god, why is knifa still allowed around here? seriously guys?

edit: lemme rephrase that, having him around is one thing, but why is he still given admin powers?

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
04.11.06 01:22
Post #37
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Knifa is an adorable loveable child.

04.11.06 01:40
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Right... Aku, I ask the same thing.
04.11.06 01:45
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Happy 9th Birthday, Knifa

04.11.06 10:56
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I lol'd.
04.11.06 11:08
Post #41
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Learn to look, look to learn.
04.11.06 11:39
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Who took the time to make that, honestly...
04.11.06 18:11
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Quoted :: ReadMe

methinks the populous is unsure as to the identity of mr yurn over there.

yesteryesteryear more like, it kinda died around the same time W3D came out.


Especially considering I drew your avatar. To be honest it amuses me you still have it :O
04.11.06 21:02
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Quoted :: Spleet

Who took the time to make that, honestly...


You know I'm a dancing machine
04.11.06 22:05
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