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Quoted :: Yurnechaen

Quoted :: ReadMe

methinks the populous is unsure as to the identity of mr yurn over there.

yesteryesteryear more like, it kinda died around the same time W3D came out.


Especially considering I drew your avatar. To be honest it amuses me you still have it :O

Too damn lazy to both editing any profile options these days - and its a damn good pic.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
04.11.06 23:17
Post #46
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Quoted :: Yurnechaen

Quoted :: ReadMe

methinks the populous is unsure as to the identity of mr yurn over there.

yesteryesteryear more like, it kinda died around the same time W3D came out.


Especially considering I drew your avatar. To be honest it amuses me you still have it :O


05.11.06 08:47
Post #47
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Quoted :: psymon

Quoted :: Yurnechaen

Quoted :: ReadMe

methinks the populous is unsure as to the identity of mr yurn over there.

yesteryesteryear more like, it kinda died around the same time W3D came out.


Especially considering I drew your avatar. To be honest it amuses me you still have it :O


05.11.06 16:05
Post #48
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Thanks again for that:
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05.11.06 17:02
Post #49
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I knew it was wish, seeing as how he had said it in an older thread.. I think. But why "Yurnachaen" and not "The Wishmaster"?
05.11.06 19:35
Post #50
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He's had a sex change in the time he's been gone.

All he does these days is stare at his own boobs.

Learn to look, look to learn.
05.11.06 20:11
Post #51
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Quoted :: Akuryou13

edit: lemme rephrase that, having him around is one thing, but why is he still given admin powers?

Young Knifa wasn't supposed to have those admin powers due to the last time he deleted someone... at least he's not C1.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
06.11.06 10:25
Post #52
[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I guess, CBWhiz can't even de-admin properly? ;)
06.11.06 13:14
Post #53
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Quoted :: Spleet

I knew it was wish, seeing as how he had said it in an older thread.. I think. But why "Yurnachaen" and not "The Wishmaster"?

Ive been playing alot of warcraft...

An image!

Quoted :: The Pope

He's had a sex change in the time he's been gone.

All he does these days is stare at his own boobs.

This is also true.

07.11.06 00:01
Post #54
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a rogue with the thunderfury......explain to me something real quick, will you? how does one sneak up on an opponent carrying a 5-foot long glowing greatsword in one hand? and if one DOES accomplish this impossibility, how does one backstab with a sword that large? shouldn't it, at that point, be renamed to "gouge out back" instead? :roll:

WoW ftw.......*waits patiently for Age of Conan*

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
07.11.06 14:25
Post #55
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Quoted :: Akuryou13

a rogue with the thunderfury......explain to me something real quick, will you? how does one sneak up on an opponent carrying a 5-foot long glowing greatsword in one hand? and if one DOES accomplish this impossibility, how does one backstab with a sword that large? shouldn't it, at that point, be renamed to "gouge out back" instead? :roll:

WoW ftw.......*waits patiently for Age of Conan*

hah. Hemo ftw.

07.11.06 17:28
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In that WoW game, you should get the "Sword of 1000 Truths" weapon.

07.11.06 20:57
Post #57
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Can I just say something in this thread?


07.11.06 21:26
Post #58
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Quoted :: kikumbob

Can I just say something in this thread?


07.11.06 21:39
Post #59
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Quoted :: Yurnechaen

Quoted :: kikumbob

Can I just say something in this thread?



07.11.06 21:41
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