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Poll: What do you think about school?
I like it. 6 users
Its sucks. 7 users
Meh. 14 users
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Does anybody here like school? Or completely dispise it? Vote on the poll ^_^. I myself hate school. But on the plus side its the only time I get to see my g/f which is during 2nd period.
31.10.05 15:36
Post #1
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It seems you like posting very general topics, a la 'Politics', without saying that much yourself.

Learn to look, look to learn.
31.10.05 15:39
Post #2
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I think he's just doing what ArcBeetle did. Posting complete and random things to get hit points.

I, like hardly anyone here don't go to school anymore. But I hated it anyways.
Voted "Meh"


31.10.05 16:03
Post #3
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[G]the candy man
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depends what school your at...
state schools suck
private schools meh
public schools rock
31.10.05 17:14
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Quoted :: The candy Man

depends what school your at...
state schools suck
private schools meh
public schools rock

You missed out home-school. :P

31.10.05 20:13
Post #5
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I like school. My teachers are all nice. I have three that are very sarcastic, one that doesn't give any homework, and one that just, hrm..., teaches I guess...

However, I don't like the ton of homework and papers that I get.
31.10.05 21:58
Post #6
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[G]the candy man
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yeah imagine how bored youd get all day every day if you didnt go to school and everyone else did. Like when you have a "sick day" you get really bored, id rather go into school.
31.10.05 22:08
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I hate school with a bloody red passion. I'm sick of the loads of homework... Even over the fucking breaks. Don't get me wrong, I love to learn, but it's just annoying. But as much as I hate it, I go anyway so I can go somewhere in life.

31.10.05 22:26
Post #8
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I can totally relate to zippy and the candy man, when your at a sick day, theres nothing to do, and when you come back, you still have a ton of homework wating for you..-.- voted sucks.

Quoted :: Runt

I think he's just doing what ArcBeetle did. Posting complete and random things to get hit points..
Voted "Meh"

How is this random? Im just talking about school. Whats your problem?
31.10.05 23:55
Post #9
Last edited: 31.10.05 23:57 (Kyle225 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Kyle225

Im just talking about school. Whats your problem?

Well, by the looks of the poll, people don't like school as it is.
They might come to BTP to get away from school, and then you go and bring up school here.


01.11.05 01:01
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Quoted :: Kyle225

How is this random? Im just talking about school. Whats your problem?

well its just like last time, bunch of obvious/very general threads that would prolly last 1 page
01.11.05 01:32
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School was a mixture of good and bad for me. In my final year of school I was starting to get sick of it. Part of high school for me involved riding shitty old buses over a hill every day, but some of the funniest moments happened on there too.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
01.11.05 03:33
Post #12
[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I go to a pretty selective school, like 5th in my country (20 mil people) so everyone there is a nerd except for a few people. And a lot of them are asian. Being a surfer, skater, though still good at computer guy is great and I'm having a pretty good time. It's also good to be really good at sport and athletics compared to the smart kids. I got school captain at my primary school and I'm hoping to again. Infact the only thing I'm not doing well is in my grades.



01.11.05 05:59
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school sucked for a while for me, but then I got a gf and joined the band, and I eventually enjoyed the non-class part of it.

college is a different story. everything's so unstructured and open that I love it, and I wasn't even going for something I'm all that interested (was going for a slightly related degree since I didn't have the money to go where I wanted and the state would pay me as long as I stayed in state, but now the school's destroyed so I can't go anymore). once I get in school for something I'm interested in, it's gunna kick much ass.

I'm voting meh

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
01.11.05 09:02
Post #14
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university is far better than high school, but depending on your major, hw can be a bitch. I am currently in my second year going for a double major in computer and electronics engineering, and I usually spend 4 hours or more each day doing homework. So it's not a very fun time. I wouldn't mind all that much if most of my classes were math/science related, but this semester only 2 of 6 are math/science related. A real pain.
01.11.05 09:37
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