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Poll: What do you think about school?
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That link, that document, you got some spelling errors.

Edit: Boys High School it says? You go to a school that's all dudes??? Or does that happen to be the name of the school?

09.11.05 22:21
Post #46
Last edited: 09.11.05 22:34 (Zippy - 2 times) [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Quoted :: Kyle225

Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Quoted :: Kyle225

Does anyone else have a teacher where they dont allow you to talk in class? =/

Yeah, but we talk anyways. Isn't it ironic?

no, I mean hes REALLY strict about talking, thats why he lets us listen to our iPods and pass notes, but ABSOLUTLY NO TALKING. weird.

Yeah. Same here. But we don't. You have to rebel against the teacher.

heh yeah. I Still want to rebel against my english teacher. REAL strict about talking, she uses phrases like "You're not talking when I am", I feel like saying YES, i am... thats why you said that. then there's my personal favorite "Not talking please", is it a question, a sentence or a sentence fragment?8O I Wanna talk back, but then i think what its like to hav 2 growing kids inside u (She's preggo). other than that, she's pretty nice, but that really pisses me off, I wanna talk back sooo badly

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09.11.05 23:11
Post #47
Last edited: 09.11.05 23:20 (jinjos98 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I just politely mock some of my teachers behind their backs, one of them's a real stickler about getting homework in when its due, so I just roll my eyes when he tells me that my assignments are late.
10.11.05 00:03
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Quoted :: Zippy

That link, that document, you got some spelling errors.

Edit: Boys High School it says? You go to a school that's all dudes??? Or does that happen to be the name of the school?

Yea, It's an all boys school, and I only know of the spelling error of Play, should be place I think. Any others might be because I'm Australian so I speak English-English not American-English.



10.11.05 09:50
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Quoted :: Kyle225

I just politely mock some of my teachers behind their backs, one of them's a real stickler about getting homework in when its due, so I just roll my eyes when he tells me that my assignments are late.

yeah, we're always talking about her behind her back. our math teacher will like, lecture someone if they roll their eyes at her, it's actually funny, cuz it's never me:mrgreen:

Super Mario RPG on the Wii = Me Happy:D
10.11.05 23:24
Post #50
Last edited: 11.11.05 02:15 (jinjos98 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Atomic52

Quoted :: Zippy

That link, that document, you got some spelling errors.

Edit: Boys High School it says? You go to a school that's all dudes??? Or does that happen to be the name of the school?

Yea, It's an all boys school, and I only know of the spelling error of Play, should be place I think. Any others might be because I'm Australian so I speak English-English not American-English.

My God! If I was sent to a all boys school i'd go insane!
Where be the chicks at? :P


11.11.05 00:47
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Arrggh! RunT! I wanted to say that first!:P

Sometimes I wonder why all boys schools are even laying in existance.

11.11.05 01:09
Post #52
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boy/girl relationships etc.etc., usually religion based schools do that to avoid lays or whatever
11.11.05 01:15
Post #53
Last edited: 11.11.05 01:16 (Pioneer322 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Its a public school, non-religeous, though it's only all boys during class, there's a girls school attached and we see them at recess and lunch and before and after school. It's just because they want us to concentrate in class not be distracted by chicks.



11.11.05 02:06
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thats bazzar, like, i can see how that can be true, but not so much that it becomes a big problem. like, im not gonna sit in class daydreaming about the girl sitting infront of me, im gonna sit in class talking to my friend sitting beside me:lol:

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11.11.05 02:25
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How old is you? Older you get the more you think about them, and if you have a girlfriend in your class that can be a pretty big distraction.



11.11.05 02:37
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Quoted :: Atomic52

How old is you?

Ahh! Bad grammer! Looks like someone needs to stay in school longer than usual :P

Quoted :: Atomic52

And if you have a girlfriend in your class that can be a pretty big distraction.

Well, I didn't do too badly, only failed 1 of my GCSE's ;)


11.11.05 02:41
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im in grade 8, that makes me 13, I understand what u mean, but i do think about girls alot, just not in class.

Super Mario RPG on the Wii = Me Happy:D
11.11.05 02:45
Post #58
Last edited: 11.11.05 02:47 (jinjos98 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Runt

Quoted :: Atomic52

How old is you?

Ahh! Bad grammer! Looks like someone needs to stay in school longer than usual :P

You do realise I used that bad grammar on purpose? I'm sure you did.



11.11.05 02:47
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It has been studied and proven fact that. men think about women every 0.7 seconds... no matter how old, first its the way you think about them in 2nd grade, cooties(sp?) then its, "omg i wanna @*&% her so bad right now"
12.11.05 05:18
Post #60
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