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Every 0.7 seconds? I assume thats an average of 0.7 seconds...



12.11.05 05:25
Post #61
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Quoted :: Spleet
no matter how old, first its the way you think about them in 2nd grade, cooties(sp?) then its, "omg i wanna @*&% her so bad right now"

The cooties thing has never passed my mind, no matter how much you don't believe me, believe it anyway. As for the "omg i wanna fuck her so bad" part, this is what causes teenage pregnancies.

12.11.05 06:01
Post #62
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Quoted :: Zippy

Quoted :: Spleet
no matter how old, first its the way you think about them in 2nd grade, cooties(sp?) then its, "omg i wanna @*&% her so bad right now"

The cooties thing has never passed my mind, no matter how much you don't believe me, believe it anyway. As for the "omg i wanna fuck her so bad" part, this is what causes teenage pregnancies.

Yes it should be "Omg I wanna fuck her so bad using protection..."



12.11.05 06:05
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Quoted :: Spleet

It has been studied and proven fact that. men think about women every 0.7 seconds... no matter how old, first its the way you think about them in 2nd grade, cooties(sp?) then its, "omg i wanna @*&% her so bad right now"

Sounds true enough for me...

12.11.05 06:38
Post #64
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Quoted :: Spleet

It has been studied and proven fact that. men think about women every 0.7 seconds... no matter how old, first its the way you think about them in 2nd grade, cooties(sp?) then its, "omg i wanna @*&% her so bad right now"

pshh, I was thinking "omg i wanna @*&% her so bad" when I was like 12, no idea why, but thats when I discovered hentai.
12.11.05 19:25
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